cyclades-serial-client(8) cyclades-serial-client(8)


cyclades-serial-client (start | stop | restart | status) [devname]

For each physical port listed in cyclades-devices file, cyclades-serial-client controls the status of the corresponding cyclades-ser-cli interface.

cyclades-serial-client must be invoked with one of the (start, stop, restart or status), and optionally with a argument associated to a specific device. In this case, the action spedified as the option will be performed only for this device.

If this argument was not supplied, the action will be performed for all devices listed in cyclades-devices file. The mandatory options are:

- Starts the cyclades-ser-cli program, using parameters supplied in the cyclades-devices file. If this program is already running, a message will be displayed, and no additional copy will be started.

- Stops the cyclades-ser-cli program(s), by issuing a SIGTERM signal.

- Simulates a hangup to cyclades-ser-cli program(s), by issuing a SIGUSR1 signal.

- Checks the status of cyclades-ser-cli programs(s).

Assuming the the following cyclades-devices file configuration:

/dev/ctty01:pr3k:1:rtelnet: /dev/ctty02:pr3k:2:socket:

1 . Start all devices: cyclades-serial-client start Messages: "Starting /dev/ctty01 <==> pr3k:1 interface" "Starting /dev/ctty02 <==> pr3k:2 interface"

2 . Try to start them again: cyclades-serial-client start Messages: "cyclades-serial-client : /dev/ctty01 already active" "cyclades-serial-client : /dev/ctty02 already active"

3 . Stop only /dev/ctty01 device: cyclades-serial-client stop /dev/ctty01 Messages: "Stopping /dev/ctty01 <==> pr3k:2 interface"

4 . Checking status: cyclades-serial-client status Messages: "/dev/ctty01 (rtelnet at pr3k:1) is inactive" "/dev/ctty02 ( socket at pr3k:2) active, pid 2983"

5 . Start a non-valid device cyclades-serial-client start /dev/xtty01 Messages: "cyclades-serial-client : device /dev/xtty01 does not exist"

cyclades-ser-cli(1), cyclades-devices(5)