certspotter-script(8) System Manager's Manual certspotter-script(8)

certspotter-script - Certificate Transparency Log Monitor (hook script)

certspotter-script is any program that is executed by certspotter(8) when it needs to notify you about an event, such as detecting a certificate for a domain on your watch list.

Scripts are placed in the $CERTSPOTTER_CONFIG_DIR/hooks.d directory (~/.certspotter/hooks.d by default), or specified on the command line using the -script argument.

The following environment variables are set for all types of events:

One of the following values, indicating the type of event:
  • discovered_cert - certspotter has discovered a certificate for a domain on your watch list.
  • malformed_cert - certspotter can’t determine if a certificate matches your watch list because the certificate or the log entry is malformed.
  • error - a problem is preventing certspotter from monitoring all logs.
Additional event types may be defined in the future, so your script should be able to handle unknown values.
A short human-readable string describing the event. This is the same string used in the subject line of emails sent by certspotter.

The following environment variables are set for discovered_cert events:

The item from your watch list which matches this certificate. (If more than one item matches, the first one is used.)
The URI of the log containing the certificate.
The index of the log entry containing the certificate.
The hex-encoded SHA-256 digest of the TBSCertificate, as defined in RFC 6962 Section 3.2. Certificates and their corresponding precertificates have the same TBS_SHA256 value.
The hex-encoded SHA-256 digest (sometimes called fingerprint) of the certificate. The digest is computed over the ASN.1 DER encoding.
The hex-encoded SHA-256 digest of the certificate’s Subject Public Key Info.
Path to a file containing the PEM-encoded certificate chain. Not set if -no_save was used.
Path to a JSON file containing additional information about the certificate. See below for the format of the JSON file. Not set if -no_save was used.
Path to a text file containing information about the certificate. This file contains the same text that certspotter uses in emails. You should not attempt to parse this file because its format may change in the future. Not set if -no_save was used.
The not before time of the certificate, in a human-readable format, seconds since the UNIX epoch, and RFC3339, respectively. These variables may be unset if there was a parse error, in which case VALIDITY_PARSE_ERROR is set.
The not after (expiration) time of the certificate, in a human-readable format, seconds since the UNIX epoch, and RFC3339, respectively. These variables may be unset if there was a parse error, in which case VALIDITY_PARSE_ERROR is set.
Error parsing not before and not after, if any. If this variable is set, then the NOT_BEFORE and NOT_AFTER family of variables are unset.
The distinguished name of the certificate’s subject. This variable may be unset if there was a parse error, in which case SUBJECT_PARSE_ERROR is set.
Error parsing the subject, if any. If this variable is set, then SUBJECT_DN is unset.
The distinguished name of the certificate’s issuer. This variable may be unset if there was a parse error, in which case ISSUER_PARSE_ERROR is set.
Error parsing the issuer, if any. If this variable is set, then ISSUER_DN is unset.
The hex-encoded serial number of the certificate. Prefixed with a minus (-) sign if negative. This variable may be unset if there was a parse error, in which case SERIAL_PARSE_ERROR is set.
Error parsing the serial number, if any. If this variable is set, then SERIAL is unset.

The following environment variables are set for malformed_cert events:

The URI of the log containing the malformed certificate.
The index of the log entry containing the malformed certificate.
The base64-encoded Merkle hash of the leaf containing the malformed certificate.
A human-readable string describing why the certificate is malformed.
Path to a file containing the JSON log entry. The file contains a JSON object with two fields, leaf_input and extra_data, as described in RFC 6962 Section 4.6.
Path to a text file containing a description of the malformed certificate. This file contains the same text that certspotter uses in emails.

The following environment variables are set for error events:

Path to a text file containing a description of the error. This file contains the same text that certspotter uses in emails.

Unless -no_save is used, certspotter saves a JSON file for every discovered certificate under $CERTSPOTTER_STATE_DIR, and puts the path to the file in $JSON_FILENAME. Your script can read the JSON file, such as with the jq(1) command, to get additional information about the certificate which isn’t appropriate for environment variables.

The JSON file contains an object with the following fields:

A string containing the hex-encoded SHA-256 digest of the TBSCertificate, as defined in RFC 6962 Section 3.2. Certificates and their corresponding precertificates have the same tbs_sha256 value.
A string containing the hex-encoded SHA-256 digest of the certificate’s Subject Public Key Info.
An array of strings containing the DNS names for which the certificate is valid, taken from both the DNS subject alternative names (SANs) and the subject common name (CN). Internationalized domain names are encoded in Punycode.
An array of strings containing the IP addresses for which the certificate is valid, taken from both the IP subject alternative names (SANs) and the subject common name (CN).
A string containing the not before time of the certificate in RFC3339 format. Null if there was an error parsing the certificate’s validity.
A string containing the not after (expiration) time of the certificate in RFC3339 format. Null if there was an error parsing the certificate’s validity.

Additional fields will be added in the future based on user feedback. Please open an issue at https://github.com/SSLMate/certspotter if you have a use case for another field.

Example environment variables for a discovered_cert event:

ISSUER_DN=C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=Sectigo Limited, CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
NOT_AFTER='2024-01-26 03:47:26 +0000 UTC'
NOT_BEFORE='2023-01-31 03:47:26 +0000 UTC'
SUMMARY='certificate discovered for .sslmate.com'

Example JSON file for a discovered certificate:

  "dns_names": [
  "ip_addresses": [],
  "not_after": "2024-01-26T03:47:26Z",
  "not_before": "2023-01-31T03:47:26Z",
  "pubkey_sha256": "33ac1d9b9e56005ccac045eac2398b3e9dd6b3f5b66ae6260f2d478c7c0d82c8",
  "tbs_sha256": "2388ee81c6f45cffc73e68a35fa8921e839e20acc9a98e8e6dcaea07cbfbdef8"


Copyright © 2016-2023 Opsmate, Inc.

Report bugs to https://github.com/SSLMate/certspotter.
