oss_userdev(7) | OSS Devices | oss_userdev(7) |
oss_userdev - OSS client/server audio pseudo device.
This audio device is not designed to be used as-is by the users. It requires a specially designed server application that implements the actual service (please see the OSS programming documentation for more info). The server application will then create the audio devices that can be used to record and/or play audio.
The oss_userdev driver is a special purpose loop back audio device that can be used when implementing OSS audio devices based on a server running in the background.
If this option is set to 1 then OSS will create separate client device nodes for each instance. Applications will have to open the right device nodes. This alternative is best when oss_userdev is used to create different kind of services in one system. In this way for example a VoIP link can be accessed by opening a different device node than when opening some other service.
4Front Technologies
11 February 2015 |