oss_cmi878x - CMedia CMI8788 audio driver.
Open Sound System driver for CMedia Electronics CMI8788 audio
CMI87xx device characteristics:
- 8/16/24/32 bit playback/record
- mono/stereo/4ch/5.1/7.1 playback
- 8KHz to 192Khz sample rate.
The CMedia 8788 device provides 3 types of devices. The first
devices is a Multichannel full duplex device. The second device provides
Front Panel audio access and the SPDIF device provide SPDIF (Digital) audio
The CMedia chip provides some unique features that are set up by the Mixer chip.
There are 3 mixer devices presented to the user.
Main Mixer Panel (/dev/mixer0)
- Master Mixer panel is for controlling output volumes for each of the 8
- Monitor buttons will allow you to monitor the input from the Rear Panel
inputs, Front Panel Inputs and SPDIF IN.
- Speaker-Spread function duplicates the front channel output on all 8
- SPDIF Loopback simply takes SPDIF Input and Plays it out the SPDIF Output.
AC97 Input Mixer Panel (/dev/mixer1) This mixer panel is
used to switch between the various inputs like line-in, mic, cd. When the Rear
Panel Monitor button is check marked in the Main mixer panel, the IGAIN slider
in this panel controls the level of the input that can be hear on the
AC97 Front Panel Mixer (/dev/mixer2) This mixer controls
the front panel ac97 device. It can be used to control all the volumes and
inputs as well as SPDIF output on the front panel device.
- /etc/oss4/conf/oss_cmi878x.conf
- Device configuration file.