ocf_heartbeat_db2 - Resource Agent that manages an IBM DB2 LUW databases in Standard role as primitive or in HADR roles as promotable configuration. Multiple partitions are supported.

db2 [start | stop | monitor | promote | demote | meta-data | validate-all]

Resource Agent that manages an IBM DB2 LUW databases in Standard role as primitive or in HADR roles in promotable configuration. Multiple partitions are supported.

Standard mode:

An instance including all or selected databases is made highly available. Configure each partition as a separate primitive resource.

HADR mode:

A single database in HADR configuration is made highly available by automating takeover operations. Configure a promotable resource with notifications enabled and an additional monitoring operation with role "Promoted".

In case of HADR be very deliberate in specifying intervals/timeouts. The detection of a failure including promote must complete within HADR_PEER_WINDOW.

In addition to honoring requirements for crash recovery etc. for your specific database use the following relations as guidance:

"monitor interval" < HADR_PEER_WINDOW - (appr 30 sec)

"promote timeout" < HADR_PEER_WINDOW + (appr 20 sec)

For further information and examples consult http://www.linux-ha.org/wiki/db2_(resource_agent)


The instance of the database(s).

(unique, required, string, no default)


List of databases to be managed, e.g "db1 db2". Defaults to all databases in the instance. Specify one db for HADR mode.

(optional, string, no default)


DEPRECATED: The admin user of the instance.

(optional, string, no default)


The number of the partition (DBPARTITIONNUM) to be managed.

(optional, string, default "0")

This resource agent supports the following actions (operations):


Starts the resource. Suggested minimum timeout: 120s.


Stops the resource. Suggested minimum timeout: 120s.


Promotes the resource to the Master role. Suggested minimum timeout: 120s.


Demotes the resource to the Slave role. Suggested minimum timeout: 120s.


Suggested minimum timeout: 10s.


Performs a detailed status check. Suggested minimum timeout: 60s. Suggested interval: 20s.

monitor (Promoted role)

Performs a detailed status check. Suggested minimum timeout: 60s. Suggested interval: 22s.


Performs a validation of the resource configuration. Suggested minimum timeout: 5s.


Retrieves resource agent metadata (internal use only). Suggested minimum timeout: 5s.

The following is an example configuration for a db2 resource using the crm(8) shell:

primitive p_db2 ocf:heartbeat:db2 \
  params \
    instance=string \
  op monitor depth="0" timeout="60s" interval="20s" \
  op monitor depth="0" timeout="60s" role="Promoted" interval="22s" 

ms ms_db2 p_db2 \
  meta notify="true" interleave="true"

The following is an example configuration for a db2 resource using pcs(8)

pcs resource create p_db2 ocf:heartbeat:db2 \
  instance=string \
  op monitor OCF_CHECK_LEVEL="0" timeout="60s" interval="20s" \
  op monitor OCF_CHECK_LEVEL="0" timeout="60s" role="Promoted" interval="22s" promotable


ClusterLabs contributors (see the resource agent source for information about individual authors)

11/10/2024 resource-agents 4.16.0-1