CWNN(7) Miscellaneous Information Manual CWNN(7)

cWnn - A Chinese Input System Running on Unix Workstations.

cWnn provides a wide range of input methods, satisfying the needs of Chinese users all over the world, including P.R.China and Taiwan.

Besides, it is capable of converting an arbitrary sequence of Pinyin/Zhuyin into the expected Hanzi and caters for error tolerance in the four tones.

cWnn has standardized Pinyin and Zhuyin and it provides an ideal input environment for all users.

1. Startup of the server - cserver

2. Startup of the front-end processor - cuum

3. Current usage status of the server - cwnnstat

4. Termination of the server - cwnnkill

5. Rewrite of dictionary header - cwnntouch

1. Creation of binary format dictionary - catod

2. Restoration of text format dictionary - cdtoa

3. Creation of binary format grammar file - catof

4. Registration of characters/words into a - cwdreg
specified dictionary

5. Deletion of characters/words from a specified - cwddel

6. Sorting of a specified text format dictionary - cdicsort

1. cWnn installation - cinstall

2. cWnn startup and termination - cstartend

3. cWnn function keys - ckey

4. cWnn environment operation function - cenv

13 May 1992