CPA_SAMPLE_CODE(7) | Miscellaneous Information Manual | CPA_SAMPLE_CODE(7) |
cpa_sample_code - showcase of Intel QuickAssist device functionality and performance
cpa_sample_code [ signOfLife=1 | getOffloadCost=1 | getLatency=1 ] [ runTests=mask ]
This example tool showcases the functionality and performance of Intel QuickAssist devices.
mask for runTests:
runTests=1 | Run symmetric crypto tests. |
runTests=2 | Run RSA test. |
runTests=4 | Run DSA test. |
runTests=8 | Run ECDSA test. |
runTests=16 | Run DH test |
runTests=32 | Run Stateless Compression test. |
runTests=63 | Run all above tests. (default) |
runTests=1024 | Run SM2 test. |
runTests=2048 | Run SM3&4 test. |
run the full suite of symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography and data compression operations:
run a small number of each operation type:
run only RSA operations:
August 12, 2024 |