man(7) cgalpoly man page man(7)

cgalpoly - 3D mesh generation from polyhedral surfaces

cgalpoly output.mesh <angle|30> <surf-size|6> <approx|4> <rad-edge-ratio|3> <tetra-size|8> <randomseed|-1>

The cgalpoly utility is a surface-mesh-to-tetrahedral-mesh converter based on the CGAL library ( This utility is capable of reading a surface model made of triangular patches and generating a tetrahedral mesh conforming to the surface.

Please see for details regarding the underlying algorithm.

This program accepts the following input parameters:

The input data file in the OFF format
The output mesh file in the MEDIT format
Lower-bound of the angles (in degree) in surface triangles
Lower-bound of the edge-length (in voxel unit) in surface triangles
Upper-bound of the deviation distance (in voxel unit) of the surface triangles to the voxelated boundaries
Upper-bound of the radius-to-edge ratio of the surface triangles
Lower-bound of the tetrahedron volume (in voxel^3) of the 3D mesh
Random number generator seed (large positive integer, -1 to use system clock)

cgalmesh(7), cgalsurf(7), cgalsimp2(7), cork(7), meshfix(7), jmeshlib(7)

Qianqian Fang (

30 June 2020 1.0