XBEVEL(6) | Games Manual | XBEVEL(6) |
xbevel - Bevel X widgets
/usr/games/xbevel [-geometry [{width}][x{height}][{+-}{xoff}[{+-}{yoff}]]] [-display [{host}]:[{vs}]] [-[no]mono] [-[no]{reverse|rv}] [-{foreground|fg} {color}] [-{background|bg} {color}] [-{border|bd} {color}] [-face{0|1|2|3|4|5} {color}] [-frame {color}] [-delay msecs] [-[no]sound] [-moveSound {filename}] [-{font|fn} {fontname}] [-view {int}] [-[no]orient] [-[no]practice] [-userName {string}] [-scoreFile {filename}] [-scores] [-version]
The original puzzle looks like a 2x2x2 Rubik Cube with extra cuts like a Skewb with 24 inner pieces and 8 outer pieces. This was designed by Adam G. Cowan in 2005 and is more widely known as the Helicopter Cube. This Bevel puzzle has 7!*3^6*6!^4/2 or 4.94*10^17 different combinations. This program does not permit ~71 degree turns only 180 degree turns. If it did, it would have 7!*3^6*24!/4!^6 or 1.19*10^22 combinations.
Press "mouse-left" button to move a piece. Release "mouse-left" button on a piece on the same face. (Clicks on diamonds are ignored). The pieces will then turn towards where the mouse button was released.
Click "mouse-center", or press "P" or "p" keys to toggle the practice mode (in practice mode the record should say "practice"). This is good for learning moves and experimenting.
Click "mouse-right", or press "Z" or "z" keys, to randomize the puzzle (this must be done first to set a new record).
Press "G" or "g" keys to read (get) a saved puzzle.
Press "W" or "w" keys to save (write) a puzzle.
Press "U" or "u" keys to undo a move.
Press "R" or "r" keys to redo a move.
Press "C" or "c" keys to clear the puzzle.
"S" or "s" keys to start auto-solver currently only implemented when orient mode is off.
Press "O" or "o" keys to toggle the orient mode. One has to orient the faces in orient mode, besides getting all the faces to be the same color. This does add complexity so there are 2 sets of records.
Press "V" or "v" keys to change the view of the puzzle.
Press ">" or "." keys to speed up the movement of pieces (not implemented).
Press "<" or "," keys to slow down the movement of pieces (not implemented).
Press "@" key to toggle the sound.
Press "Esc" key to hide program.
Press "Q", "q", or "CTRL-C" keys to kill program.
Use the key pad or arrow keys to move without the mouse.
Key pad is defined for the Bevel2d as:
/ Counterclockwise
7 8 9 Upper Left, Up, Upper Right
4<5>6 Left, Clockwise, Right
1 2 3 Lower Left, Down, Lower Right
Key pad for other than Bevel2d, use must use your intuition (is this a cop out or what?). The key pad is defined differently depending on which side of the cube your mouse is pointing at. One thing that stays the same is "5" is Clockwise and "/" is Counterclockwise.
Use the control key and the left mouse button, keypad, or arrow keys to move the whole cube. Its also possible to rotate whole cube with an axis through a face with alt key is pressed (Tab key when using Windows). This is not recorded as a turn.
The title is in the following format (non-motif non-opengl version):
You must randomize the puzzle before a record is set, otherwise an assumption of cheating is made if it is solved after a get or an auto-solve.
Here is the format for the xbevel configuration, starting position, and the movement of its pieces.
Bevel2d with default colors, not randomized:
0 R Red
1 2 3 Y B O Yellow, Blue, Orange
4 W White
5 G Green
startingPosition: <2 dimensional array of face and outer trianganular pieces and 4 inner triangular pieces, if orient mode then orientation number follows face number: 0 up, 1 right, 2 down, and 3 left>
This is then followed by the moves, starting from 1.
Beyond Rubik's Cube: spheres, pyramids, dodecahedrons and God knows what else by Douglas R. Hofstadter, Scientific American, July 1982, pp 16-31.
X(1), xcubes(6), xtriangles(6), xhexagons(6), xmlink(6), xbarrel(6), xpanex(6), xmball(6), xpyraminx(6), xoct(6), xrubik(6), xskewb, xdino(6), xabacus(6)
® Copyright 2023-2024, David A. Bagley
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15 Aug 2024 | V8.8.4 |