tetrinet-client - textmode client program for tetrinet
tetrinet [-fancy] [-fast] [-log file] [-noshadow] [-noslide] [-slide] [-shadow] [-windows] nickname server
tetrinet-client is a textmode client program for tetrinet, a networked version of tetris. You can play both on TetriFast server and on the original servers with it. Please notice that you need at least 50 lines to be able to play it.
A summary of options is included below.
When you start tetrinet-client you will find yourself in the partyline. In here you can chat with the other players. With /help you will get the list of the server supported commands. You can switch between three screens with F1 through to F3.
With /start you can start a game (if you are in position one). You will have to switch over to the Fields with the F1 key, an automatic switch over on game start is planed. To pause a running game you have to enter /pause in the partyline. To restart the game you enter /unpause.
With the cursor keys left and right you can move the stones, with cursor up you turn the stones clockwise, with cursor down you pull the stones to the bottom, and with space you drop them. You have to fill the lines completely, because complete lines will get removed from the display. The more lines you can eliminate with a single stone the better. If the play room supports specials you will eventually see a list of letters below your playfield that you can use with the number keys from 1 to 6 for the corresponding playfield. If you want to get rid of a special, drop it with d. You can also chat in the playfield, to open the chat box press t (for talk.) That's it, more or less.
This manual page was written by Rhonda D'Vine <rhonda@deb.at>.
2004-11-23 |