substrate(6x) | XScreenSaver manual | substrate(6x) |
substrate - Grow crystal-like lines on a computational substrate
substrate [--display host:display.screen] [--visual visual] [--window] [--root] [--window-id number] [--foreground color] [--background color] [--wireframe] [--max-cycles cyclecount] [--growth-delay delayms] [--initial-cracks numinitial] [--max-cracks nummax] [--sand-grains numgrains] [--circle-percent circlepercent] [--fps]
Lines like crystals grow on a computational substrate. A simple perpendicular growth rule creates intricate city-like structures. Optionally, cracks may also be circular, producing a cityscape more familiar to places for which city planning is a distant, theoretical concern.
substrate accepts the following options:
X(1), xscreensaver(1)
Copyright © 2003 by J. Tarbell
XScreenSaver port: Mike Kershaw <>
J. Tarbell <>, Jun 2003.
Mike Kershaw <>, Oct 2004.
6.08 (10-Oct-2023) | X Version 11 |