steamcmd(6) Games Manual steamcmd(6)

steamcmd - Command-line interface for Valve's Steam


for interactive mode, or either

steamcmd [+<action 1>] [+<action 2>] [...]


steamcmd +runscript <script>.txt

for automated mode.

Steam ( is a software content delivery system developed by Valve software ( There is some free software available, but for the most part the content delivered is non-free.

The Steam Console Client or SteamCMD is a command-line version of the Steam client. Its primary use is to install and update various dedicated servers available on Steam using a command-line interface.

Some of the most useful options:

run an external script.
user pass provide Steam credentials
+@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows
download Windows-only games on Linux
+app_update <n>
download game number <n>
+force_install_dir <dir>
install the game somewhere else than in ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common
end steamcmd session. Without this the tool will remain in interactive mode.

"steamcmd +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows +login "$USER" "$PASS" +app_update 2310 +quit"

will download Quake1 in ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake

The number can be found in the game page's url: .

The original runtime is stored in /usr/lib/games/steam .
A copy is made in ~/.local/share/Steam/steamcmd/linux32/steamcmd the first time steamcmd is ran. steamcmd will then try to update itself each time it is started.

This copy will remain even after the steamcmd has been purged and must be manually removed.

/usr/share/doc/steamcmd/steamcmdcommands.txt.gz for a complete list of commands.

Copyright © 2015 Alexandre Detiste <> This man page was written for the Debian project, but may be used by others.
