Naev - A 2D space trading and combat game.


Naev is a space trading and combat game, inspired by Escape Velocity.

Played from a top-down perspective with isometric sprites, the player is free to explore the galaxy as they see fit, trading or pirating their way to a vast fortune.

Naev is set in a futuristic science fiction environment, in which the player finds himself in the wake of a massive galactic cataclysm which erupted from the Sol system and destroyed everything within tens of light years, resulting in a massive, volatile nebula.

Specifies a custom path for all user data (saves, screenshots, etc.)
Enables the universe editor (accessible via main menu).
Generates CSV output from ndata for development purposes.
Limits frames per second to number
Runs the game in full-screen mode
Regenerates the nebula images (slow)
Sets the window height to number
Display a help message and exit
Use joystick whose name contains string
Use joystick number
Disables sound
Sets the music volume to number
Forcibly enables sound
Sets the sound volume to number
Limits frames per second to screen refresh rate
Prints the version and exits
Sets the window width to number

Bugs and feature requests can be filed at:

Originally written by Edgar Simo <>. Currently developed by the Naev Team.
An exhaustive list of contributors can be found at:

Visit the official homepage:

2009 NAEV