MORIA(6) Games Manual MORIA(6)

moria - a dungeon game

moria [ -o ] [ -r ] [ -s ] [ -S ] [ -n ] [ -w ] [ savefile ]

Moria plays a dungeon game with you. It lets you generate a character, lets you buy equipment, and lets you wander in a fathomless dungeon while finding treasure and being attacked by monsters and fellow adventurers. Typing ? gives you a list of commands.

The ultimate object of moria is to kill the Balrog, which dwells on the 50th level of the dungeon, 2,500 feet underground. Most players never even reach the Balrog, and those that do seldom live to tell about it.

For a more complete description of the game, read the document The Dungeons of Moria.

By default, moria will save and restore games from a file called in your home directory. If the environment variable MORIA_SAV is defined, then moria will use that file name instead of the default. If MORIA_SAV is not a complete path name, then the savefile will be created or restored from the current directory. You can also explicitly specify a savefile on the command line.

If you use the -n option, moria will create a new game, ignoring any savefile which may already exist. This works best when a savefile name is specified on the command line, as this will prevent moria from trying to overwrite the default savefile (if it exists) when you try to save your game.

You move in various directions by pressing the numeric keypad keys, VMS-style. If you specify -r, you move the same way you do in rogue(6). You can also specify -o to force the VMS-style command set. These options will override defaults stored in the savefile. If these options are given multiple times, only the last one will take effect.

If you specify -s, moria prints all of the scores in the score file and exits. On a multiuser system, if you specify -S, moria prints prints only those scores belonging to you and then exits.

If you specify -w, moria will start up in wizard mode. You can resurrect a dead character by using this option when starting the game. Resurrected characters are teleported to the town level and given zero hitpoints. Wizard mode is intended for debugging the game, and for experimenting with new features. Any other use is considered cheating. Games played with wizard mode are not scored.

The original version of Moria was written in VMS/Pascal by Robert Alan Koeneke, Jimmey Wayne Todd, Gary McAdoo, and others at the University of Oklahoma. This version was written by Jim Wilson at the University of California, Berkeley, and released with minor revisions by David Grabiner at Harvard University.

A suspended game that gets a hangup signal will die without creating a save file.

Rerolling with a % at the class prompt not implemented.

For a more comprehensive list, see the ERRORS file in the source distribution.