MGBA-QT(6) Games Manual MGBA-QT(6)

mgba-qtGame Boy Advance emulator

mgba-qt [-123456fg] [-b biosfile] [-C option=value] [-l loglevel] [-p patchfile] [-s n] [-t statefile] file

mgba-qt is a Game Boy Advance emulator. The options are as follows:

Scale the window 1×.
Scale the window 2×.
Scale the window 3×.
Scale the window 4×.
Scale the window 5×.
Scale the window 6×.
biosfile, --bios biosfile
Specify a BIOS file to use during boot. If this flag is omitted, mgba-qt will use the BIOS specified in the configuration file, or a high‐level emulated BIOS if none is specified.
option=value, --config option=value
Override the given config option with value.
Start the emulator full‐screen.
Start a gdb(1) session. By default the session starts on port 2345.
Log messages during emulation. loglevel is a bitmask defining which types of messages to log:
  • 1 – fatal errors
  • 2 – errors
  • 4 – warnings
  • 8 – informative messages
  • 16 – debugging messages
  • 32 – stub messages for unimplemented features
  • 64 – in‐game errors
The default is to log warnings, errors, fatal errors, and status messages.
patchfile, --patch patchfile
Specify a patch file in BPS, IPS, or UPS format.
n, --frameskip n
Skip every n frames.
statefile, --savestate statefile
Load initial game state from statefile.

The default controls are as follows:

Load state
Save state
Frame advance

The location where mgba-qt will look for the configuration directory. If not set, ~/.config is used.

Default mgba(6) configuration file.
Default mgba-qt configuration file.
If this file exists in the current directory, mgba-qt will read config.ini and qt.ini from the current directory instead of $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mgba.

Jeffrey Pfau <>

July 29, 2015 Debian