MACOPIX(6) | User Manuals | MACOPIX(6) |
MaCoPiX - Mascot Constructive Pilot for X
macopix [ options ... ] [ mascot-file ]
macopix [ options ... ] --menu menu-file
MaCoPiX is a desktop mascot program running under UNIX / X
window systems. This program could be an evolved one from ActX
(Activate X window system).
Currently, you can make following types of mascots using MaCoPiX.
MaCoPiX is running on X Window System (should be running on a compositing window manager.) of any UNIX operating systems. But, you needs
- The right click for popup menu. In this poppup menu, you can change the current mascot and all configuration of MaCoPiX. Furthermore, you can create new mascot from this menu. If you want to save your changes, you should execute "Save" command in this popup menu.
- The left drag for mascot's horizontal position change on title bar, if the mascot is in the window-sitter mode. In the case of fix position mascots, the left drag should be the change of fixed position of the mascot.
- "Click Animation", "Sound Playback" &
"Balloon Talk" can be shown
with the left click on the mascot.
- If you started it with the biff-mode, the biff bitmap appears in the case that you have new (or unread) mails. The left click on this biff bitmap enables you to check From: & Subject: of unread mails.
- If your mouse cursor entered the panel of digital clock (if you are using it), the date description tip appears on it.
Usually, you can set a mascot file (.mcpx) to be loaded at the start time in your command line option. If no mascot files are appointed, one of mascots in the default menu file are selected randomely.
All command line options...
MaCoPiX has the biff function for UNIX mbox and qmil
Maildir type local spool and POP3 (w/ or w/o APOP) access to the mail
server. Froms and Subjects list of arrived mails can be avairable by click
of small biff image with mascot. MIME-encoded mail subjects are
automatically decoded by internal functions.
In the Configulation Dialog,
- type of biff mode
- the spool file to be checked (for local spool only)
- update interval
- mail server & user name & password for POP3(APOP)
- command for the mailer
should be set.
HOME$/.macopix/ user directory
HOME$/.macopix/*.mcpx mascot files
HOME$/.macopix/pixmap/* mascot image files
HOME$/.macopix/sound/* mascot sound files
Kurumi Chimari <> URL:
December 28, 2019 | 3.4.0 |