KOBODL(6) Games Manual KOBODL(6)

kobodl - Kobo Deluxe, an enhanced version of the scrolling game XKobo

kobodl [ options ]

Kobo Deluxe is a 3'rd person scrolling 2D shooter with a simple and responsive control system - which you'll need to tackle the tons of enemy ships that shoot at you, chase you, circle around you shooting, or even launch other ships at you, while you're trying to destroy the labyrinth shaped bases. There are 50 action packed levels with smoothly increasing difficulty, and different combinations of enemies that require different tactics to be dealt with successfully.

Kobo Deluxe has an improved graphics engine that delivers smoother animation, while keeping the game logic totally accurate and predictable regardless of frame rate. It also adds sound effects, new graphics, fullscreen mode, four extra skill levels with smoother gameplay and various other features expected from a modern game. (There is still a "Clasic" mode that plays exactly like the original XKobo.)

Kobo Deluxe uses SDL for sound, graphics and input, and builds and runs on all major operating systems, as well as some more unusual platforms. It can also use OpenGL for accelerated rendering, through glSDL.

In short, Kobo Deluxe is loads of classical arcade style fun for just about any machine with graphics and sound!

The ship can be controlled with the keyboard, or optionally a mouse or joystick. With the keyboard, the arrow keys move the ship (two keys for diagonals), and the shift and ctrl keys shoots. The numeric key pad can also be used; the usual 2/4/6/8 (arrows), and also 1/3/7/9 for single key diagonals. Escape enters the meny system, from where it is possible to change settings, start a new game or exit the game.

Note that all relevant options can be also configured in the config file, which can be edited directly, or using the options menus in the game.

Log To File. Default: Off.
Log File Format. Default: 0.
Log Verbosity Level. Default: 2.
Use Joystick. Default: Off.
Joystick Number. Default: 0.
Use Mouse. Default: Off.
Mouse Control Mode. Default: 1.
Broken NumPad Diagonals. Default: Off.
Diagonals Emphasis Filter. Default: 0.
Always Fire. Default: Off.
In-game Mouse Capture. Default: On.
Radar Scroll Mode. Default: 2.
Enable/disable motion interpolation. Interpolation is what makes animation smooth at high frame rates despite the game logic running at 33.33 fps. However, it also adds some input latency! Default: On.
Time filter, for smoothing out timing jitter induced by the operating system. Default: 50.
Get Ready Countdown. Default: 5.
Starfield Style. Default: 2.
Number of Parallax Stars. Default: 500.
Overheat Warning Loudness. Default: 100.
Player Cannons Loudness. Default: 100.
Enable Sound. Default: On.
Enable Music. Default: On.
Use Cached Sounds. Default: Off.
Use OSS Sound Driver. Default: Off.
Sample Rate. Default: 44100.
Sound Latency. Default: 50.
Mixing Quality. Default: 3.
Master Volume. Default: 100.
Intro Music Volume. Default: 100.
Sound Effects Volume. Default: 100.
In-Game Music Volume. Default: 30.
Reverb Level. Default: 100.
Volume Boost. Default: 0.
Fullscreen Display. Default: Off.
Display Driver. Default: 0.
Horizontal Resolution. Default: 640.
Vertical Resolution. Default: 480.
Pixel Aspect Ratio. Default: 1000.
Display Depth. Default: 0.
Limit the framerate (fps). Saves power on laptops (75 works well), and can also avoid long stalls due to timesharing and background processes. Default: 100.
Strictly Regulated fps. Default: 0.
Display Buffer Mode. Default: 1.
Use Software Shadow Buffer. Default: On.
Video Mode. Default: 17200.
Enable Vertical Sync. Default: On.
Number of Video Pages. Default: -1.
Scaling Filter Mode. Default: 1.
Use Dithering. Default: On.
Dither Type. Default: 0.
Broken RGBA (OpenGL). Default: Off.
Use Alpha Blending. Default: On.
Brightness. Default: 100.
Contrast. Default: 100.
Specify the root path of the game. Default: ""
Specify the path to the game's graphics data. Default: ""
Specify the path to the game's sound data. Default: ""
Specify the path to the game's score files. Default: ""
(Not saved!) Screen Size (Obsolete). Default: 0.
Game Speed (Obsolete). Default: 30.
(Not saved!) Background Music File (Obsolete). Default: ""
(Not saved!) Limiter Gain. Default: 200.
(Not saved!) Limiter Speed. Default: 50.
(Not saved!) Texture Resolution. Default: 1.
Last used player profile. Default: 0.
Number of Connected Joysticks. Default: 0.
(Not saved!) Show Configuration. Default: Off.
(Not saved!) List High Scores. Default: Off.
(Not saved!) List High Scores. Default: Off.
(Not saved!) Ignore Configuration File. Default: Off.
(Not saved!) Enable Debug Features. Default: Off.
(Not saved!) Display frames per second in game screen. Default: Off.
(Not saved!) Do not render rounded corners on the playfield. Default: Off.
(Not saved!) Enable MIDI Input. Default: Off.
(Not saved!) Enable/disable cheat mode. Cheat mode allows any level to be played, but highscores are not saved! Default: Off.
(Not saved!) Enable Collision Indicator Mode. Default: Off.
(Not saved!) Enable Push Move Mode. Default: Off.
(Not saved!) Disable SDL Parachute. Default: Off.
(Not saved!) Use Polling Audio Output. Default: Off.
(Not saved!) Ingame screenshots/movie. Default: Off.
(Not saved!) Print usage info and exit. Default: Off.
(Not saved!) Print options for 'man'. Default: Off.

The per-user configuration file for Kobo Deluxe.

Originally written by Akira Higuchi (a-higuti@math.hokudai.ac.jp), XKobo was turned into Kobo Deluxe by David Olofson <david@olofson.net>

Thanks, in no particular order, to...

Author of the Original XKobo.
Sound effects and original sound engine.
Various Good Ideas.
Mac OS X & Build Script Patches.
Player Profiles.
FreeBSD, NetBSD.
Joystick Support.
Testing and ideas.
Intel Compiler.
Sun Compiler & Bug Spotting.
Amiga Port.
FPS limiter.
Stage 1601+ difficulty wrap, Always Fire option.
Audio buffer handling bug.
"Autopause" idea.
MS Windows testing.
glSDL issues.
SDL, the Simple DirectMedia library.
Testing and ideas.

Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Akira Higuchi

Copyright (C) 1997 Masanao Izumo

Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Simon Peter

Copyright (C) 2002 Florian Schulze

Copyright (C) 2002 Jeremy Sheeley

Copyright (C) 2005 Erik Auerswald

Copyright (c) 1999-2007 David Olofson

Kobo Deluxe is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

26 December 2007