kcheckers - Checkers boardgame.


kcheckers kcheckers is a Qt version of the classic boardgame "checkers", also known as
"draughts". It has the following features:
* Built-in checkers engine.
* Beginner, Novice, Average, Good, Expert and Master levels of skill.
* Several themes of the board.
* Portable Draughts Notation database format support.
* Saving, loading and restarting of game.
* Auto change of the men's color.
* Multiple Undos/Redos.
* Optional numeration of the board.
* Internationalization support (English, German, Russian and French).

kcheckers was written Andi Peredri <andi@ukr.net> and Artur Wiebe <wibix@gmx.de> and is released under the conditions of the GNU General Public License. For further details see the application's "About" dialog or the file LICENSE supplied with the source code.

22 Nov 2006 http://sourceforge.net/projects/qcheckers