galois - falling blocks game with blocks of various shapes and sizes


Galois is a computer game of the "falling blocks" type, but with unique features. Unlike most other games of that type, it is not limited to blocks made of four two-dimensional, square bricks: you can choose among several different brick shapes, blocks composed of more or fewer bricks, and even between two- and three-dimensional games.

Galois is free software, released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later.

Select Preferences from the application menu (if your environment supports that), or Game/Preferences from the menu bar to modify game settings and control keys.

<config_dir>/galois/galois.conf : configuration file
<data_dir>/galois/galois.res : scores file

<config_dir> and <data_dir> are the paths returned by the glibmm functions get_user_config_dir() and get_user_data_dir() , respectively. Typical values on GNU/Linux systems are $HOME/.config and $HOME/.local/share

Detailed information is available in the Galois manual:

Gerardo Ballabio

0.8 Gerardo Ballabio