Eureka - a DOOM map editor
eureka [FILE...] [OPTION...]
Eureka is a cross-platform map editor for the classic DOOM
It features multiple-level undo and redo, a 3D preview, texture
and thing browsers, a built-in nodes builder, panels for directly editing
the properties of map objects, a flexible key binding system, and low system
requirements (e.g. a 3D card is not required).
Note that long options are shown here with two dashes, but may
also be used with a single dash for compatibility with the original DOOM
binary and various source ports.
- -f, --file
- Wad file(s) to edit. This is mainly for compatibility with DOOM
command-line syntax, since filenames are more easily provided without this
option (i.e. directly after the program name).
When no file is specified, Eureka will open the first map in
the IWAD (game wad).
- -w, --warp
- Level to edit. This can be the full map name, e.g. "MAP12" or
"E3M7", but can also be a single number like "12" or
"37", or two separate numbers like "3 7" for
compatibility with DOOM 1 and Ultimate DOOM.
When absent, the first level found in the edited wad is
- -i, --iwad
- The name of the IWAD (game data). This also determines which game the map
is for, e.g. "doom.wad" will mean the map is for DOOM 1, whereas
"heretic.wad" will mean we are editing for the game
- -m, --merge
- Resource file(s) to load. These can be wad files containing textures,
flats, sprites (etc) but can also be Eureka definitions files (with
".ugh" extension).
- -p, --port
- Port (engine) name. The default port is "boom", but some other
supported ports are "vanilla" (the original EXE),
"odamex", "edge" and "legacy".
- -h, --help
- Show usage summary
- -v, --version
- Show the version
- -d, --debug
- Enable debugging messages
- -q, --quiet
- Quiet mode (no messages on stdout)
The following options control how Eureka finds some important
files and directories. They are not particular useful per se, but may be
needed for special circumstances.
- --install
- The installation directory where game definition files, default key
bindings, etc are stored. This defaults to $PREFIX/share/eureka
(see FILES section below...)
Specifying "." for the current directory is useful
when testing a locally compiled version without doing "make
install". In fact Eureka will try it automatically when it cannot
find its normal installation directory.
- --home
- The home directory where user settings, backups, etc are stored. This
defaults to the ~/.eureka directory.
- --log
- File where all log messages are written. Defaults to "logs.txt"
under the home directory.
- --config
- The config file which stores the general user settings (but not key
bindings). This file will loaded during startup, and also saved to when
the user uses the Preferences dialog.
- $PREFIX/share/eureka/
- The installation directory for Eureka. PREFIX is typically /usr or
/usr/local, depending on how Eureka was installed. This directory contains
the standard key bindings, plus all the definition files (with .ugh
extension) for the supported games, ports and mods.
- ~/.eureka/config.cfg
- Contains user settings
- ~/.eureka/bindings.cfg
- Contains user key bindings
- ~/.eureka/logs.txt
- The logs from the previous session of Eureka, or the current one if Eureka
is currently running.
- ~/.eureka/backups
- Whenever a file is saved, Eureka makes a backup of the existing file and
stores it here, in a directory based on the filename. Multiple backups are
made, up to a configurable limit on number and total size of the files.
If something goes awry with your wad, look here!
- ~/.eureka/iwads
- IWAD files can be placed here and Eureka will find them automatically
- If set, contains a single directory name where Eureka will look for
- If set, contains a colon-separated list of directories where Eureka will
look for IWADs.
glbsp(6), prboom(6), deutex(6),
Eureka site: