decompile(6) Games Manual decompile(6)

decompile - Engine script decompiler

decompile -h
decompile -l
decompile -h -e <engine>
decompile [-e <engine>] [-d <file>] [-g <file>] [-D] [-G] [-u] [-v <variant>] [-s] <file>

decompile decompiles scripts for a number of game engines.

decompile -h or decompile --help displays a short help summary.

decompile -l or decompile --list lists the supported game engines.

decompile -h -e or decompile --help --engine <engine> lists the variants available for the given engine.

Other forms of the command decompile the given file, using the game engine specified using the -e or --engine option:

Groovie, as used by The 7th Guest and The 11th Hour;
Legend of Kyrandia: Hand of Fate;

Variants are specified using the -v or --variant option:

The 7th Guest (for the groovie engine);
version 2, from The 11th Hour onwards (for the groovie engine);
Legend of Kyrandia: Hand of Fate, floppy-disk version;
Legend of Kyrandia: Hand of Fate, CD-ROM (talkie) version.

dumps the disassembly to the given file (standard out if file is omitted).
dumps the control flow graph, in dot(1) format, to the given file (standard out if file is omitted).
stops after disassembly; implies -d.
stops after generating the control flow graph; implies -g.
show the address and contents of unreachable groups in the script.
leaves out the stack effect when printing raw instructions.

Note that -d or -g without arguments must not be specified immediately before the input file.

This manual page was adapted from the program usage information by Stephen Kitt <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). It was last modified for scummvm-tools version 2.0.

December 9, 2017 scummvm-tools