crafty(6) | crafty(6) |
crafty - chess engine
crafty [bookpath=<directory>] [logpath=<directory>] [tbpath=<directory-list>]
Crafty is a chess "engine". That is, the program concerns itself with playing chess and not with providing a graphic user interface. Thus Crafty is commonly invoked indirectly via XBoard, and current versions of these programs generally work very well together. Some noteworthy features of Crafty are:
In the command line arguments, <directory-spec> is a path to a directory, whereas <directory-list> is a non-empty sequence of paths to directories. For portability, several different characters are taken as path separators: the colon (:), the semicolon (;), and the comma (,).
There are actually four of these: bookpath is where Crafty seeks its opening books and writes learned knowledge; logpath is where Crafty normally writes a pair of files "game.nnn" and "log.nnn" for each game it plays; rcpath is where Crafty looks for a run control file to be read only; and tbpath is where Crafty looks for endgame tablebase files to be read only.
The four path specifications have a number of things in common: each has a default value set when Crafty is compiled, which can then be modified by the appropriate environment variable, and can then again be modified by an invocation argument, but can not be modified after the engine has been initialized (thus, in particular, it is not possible to modify the paths by editing a run control file). Possibly the best procedure is to avoid the invocation options, experiment with the environment variables, and then perhaps recompile the program with different defaults. Note that if the program is compiled "out of the box" then all four values default to "./" (the directory in which Crafty has been launched).
Crafty can be invoked with other arguments (such as
"xboard" to indicate that Crafty is being invoked through
xboard(6)) which would not usually be used directly.
Crafty's extensive command-line interface is defined in "option.c", discussed in "crafty.doc", and briefly described by the command "help".
Crafty tries to read a run control file rcpath/.craftyrc. (On a non-Unix system, ".craftyrc" changes to "crafty.rc".) Such a file should contain a sequence of valid Crafty commands, terminated by the command "exit" to restore standard input to the keyboard. See craftyrc(5) for a skeletal example.
When a game is played, Crafty normally writes "logpath/game.<nnn>" and "logpath/log.<nnn>". Details of what is written are modifiable by the `log' command. Because $CRAFTY_LOG_DIR defaults to "./" (the directory in which Crafty is launched), trouble can occur if the program is launched in a directory to which it is unable to write. Note that the "log.<nnn>" file normally contains all output that would be visible if Crafty were run from the command line but is usually hidden when it is run from a GUI.
Crafty is designed to maintain its chess opening knowledge in a file "book.bin", and to modify this file as it learns from its mistakes. Refer to the documentation for the "book" command for information on generating and customizing usage of "book.bin".
Further, files "books.bin" and "bookc.bin" allow easy customization of Crafty's opening play (against humans and computer, respectively). See the documentation for the "books" command.
Finally, there are several files "*.lrn" for synopses of what Crafty has been learning. See the documentation for the "learn" command.
When normally configured, Crafty reads late endgame knowledge from
"*.emd" files, which are distance-to-mate tablebases. See the
documentation for the "egtb" command.
If $CRAFTY_BOOK_PATH is set, it overrides the compiled
value of bookpath, the path to directory containing
"book.bin" and friends. Unless learning has been disabled, Crafty
will be writing in this directory.
If $CRAFTY_LOG_PATH is set, it overrides the compiled value of logpath, the path to directory for writing, but not reading, the log files.
If $CRAFTY_RC_PATH is set, it overrides the compiled value of rcpath, the path to directory for reading, but not writing, a run control file (".craftyrc" or "crafty.rc").
If $CRAFTY_TB_PATH is set, it overrides the compiled value
of tbpath, the sequence of paths to directories for reading, but not
writing, endgame tablebase files.
craftyrc(5), xboard(6), /usr/share/doc/crafty
Crafty is the son of Cray Blitz, also written by Bob Hyatt. The subsequent history of Crafty is detailed in the source file "main.c". Opening books appeared in version 1.9. log files in 1.11, endgame tablebases in 8.24, run control files in 9.22, and environment variables in 16.5.
In the interests of portability, Crafty deals with files in a simple manner, at the cost of robustness. Very long or incorrect paths may result in a "segmentation fault" when a file writing operation fails.
This manual page itself will probably always be flagrantly incomplete in that many essential, powerful, and interesting aspects of Crafty are not even mentioned.
Robert Hyatt (
December 22, 2003 | Crafty 19.8 |