_    _          _        _ _        
           / \  (_)_ __ ___| |_ _ __(_) | _____ 
          / _ \ | | '__/ __| __| '__| | |/ / _ \
         / ___ \| | |  \__ \ |_| |  | |   <  __/
        /_/   \_\_|_|  |___/\__|_|  |_|_|\_\___|

airstrike - 2d dogfight game in the tradition of 'Biplanes' and 'BIP'

Airstrike is a 2d biplane dogfight game in the tradition of the Intellivision and Amiga games 'Biplanes' and 'BIP'. It features a robust physics engine and several other extensions of the original games.

airstrike [options]

Airstrike reads all the configuration options from a configuration file at startup but you can override from command line a few of the options:

Runs the game in fullscreen mode.
Runs game with sound effects, if support for that has been compiled in.
Runs the game without sound.
Game graphics will not be antialiased. This makes it run faster.
Game graphics will be antialiased.
Use given configuration file instead of the one which location is compiled into Airstrike.

Configuration file name is '.airstrikerc' and it's located in your home directory.

Airstrike is controlled from keyboard:

Plane nose goes up.
Plane nose goes down.
Drop a bomb.
Pause game and open game options menu. From menu you can change options, view release notes and quit it.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms specified in the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPL).


Game author, programming and graphics
Windows port, comments and ideas
Sound, graphics, game objects, makefiles, comments and ideas
Graphics and ideas

And many others for comments, bug reports and ideas.

Version 1.0 Airstrike