yambar-modules-disk-io(5) File Formats Manual yambar-modules-disk-io(5)

disk-io - This module keeps track of the amount of bytes being read/written from/to disk. It can distinguish between all partitions currently present in the machine.

Name Type Description
device string Name of the device being tracked (use the command lsblk to see these). There is a special device, "Total", that reports the total stats for the machine
is_disk boolean whether or not the device is a disk (e.g. sda, sdb) or a partition (e.g. sda1, sda2, ...). "Total" is advertised as a disk.
read_speed int bytes read, in bytes/s
write_speed int bytes written, in bytes/s
ios_in_progress int number of ios that are happening at the time of polling

Name Type Req Description
poll-interval int no Refresh interval of disk's stats in milliseconds (default=500). Cannot be less then 250ms.

This reports the total amount of bytes being read and written every second, formatting in b/s, kb/s, mb/s, or gb/s, as appropriate.

    - disk-io:
        poll-interval: 1000
              device == Total:
                    - string: {text: "Total read: "}
                    - map:
                        default: {string: {text: "{read_speed} B/s"}}
                          read_speed > 1073741824:
                            string: {text: "{read_speed:gib} GB/s"}
                          read_speed > 1048576:
                            string: {text: "{read_speed:mib} MB/s"}
                          read_speed > 1024:
                            string: {text: "{read_speed:kib} KB/s"}
                    - string: {text: " | "}
                    - string: {text: "Total written: "}
                    - map:
                        default: {string: {text: "{write_speed} B/s"}}
                          write_speed > 1073741824:
                            string: {text: "{write_speed:gib} GB/s"}
                          write_speed > 1048576:
                            string: {text: "{write_speed:mib} MB/s"}
                          write_speed > 1024:
                            string: {text: "{write_speed:kib} KB/s"}

yambar-modules(5), yambar-particles(5), yambar-tags(5), yambar-decorations(5)
