yadifad.conf - configuration file for yadifad(8).


The configuration of yadifad is consistent in a text file that can optionally include others. The general structure is a sequence of containers: a sequence of lines of text starting with a <container-name> and ending with a </container-name>. Each line between these delimitters is in the form: variable-name value. The format of the value is determined by the type of the variable.

There are 15 types:

A list of ACL descriptors. User-defined ACLs are found in the ACL section. The "any" and "none" descriptors are always defined. Elements of the list are separated by a "," or a ";".

A DNSSEC type name. It can be a DNSSEC-enabled value ("nsec", "nsec3" or "nsec3-optout") or a DNSSEC-disabled value ("none", "no", "off" or "0").

A word from a specified set.

A boolean value. It can be true ("1", "enable", "enabled", "on", "true", "yes") or false ("0", "disable", "disabled", "off", "false", "no").

A fully-qualified domain name text string. e.g.: www.eurid.eu.

Group ID. (Can be a number or a name)

A (list of) host(s). A host is defined by an IP (v4 or v6) and can be followed by the word `port' and a port number. Elements of the list are separated by a `,' or a `;'.

A base-ten integer.

A word or integer that identifies the network model:
single or 0 Each working thread reads a single message, processes its answer and replies to it.
buffered or 1 Working threads are working by couple. One reads a single message and queues it, one de-queues it, processes its answer and replies to it.
multi or 2 Each working thread reads a multiple messages, processes their answers and replies to them.

A file or directory path. i.e.: "/var/zones".

A text string. Double quotes can be used but are not mandatory. Without quotes the string will be taken from the first non-blank character to the last non-blank character.

A hexadecimal even-length text string.

A cron-like date to be matched, relative to another. The columns are minutes [0;59], hours [0;23], days [0;31], months [1;12], weekdays [mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun] and week-of-the-month [0;4]. Multiple values can be set in a column cell using ',' as a separator. The '*' character can be used to set all possible values of its column cell.

A time offset relative to another. It's written as +integer[unit-character] (e.g.: +24h) where the unit character can be seconds, minutes, hours, days or weeks.

A base-ten integer.

A base-ten integer.

A base-ten integer.

User ID. (Can be a number or a name)

The configuration of yadifad has several containers:


General container

TSIG keys

Access lists

NameServer IDentifier

Response Rate Limiting directives

Description of the domain name in specific attributes.

Description of the logger outputs.

Description of dnssec policies.

Description of the key-suites needed if 'dnssec policies' are used.

Description of the key-rolls needed if 'dnssec policies' are used.

Description of the key-templates needed if 'dnssec policies' are used.

Description of 'denial', this can be used in certain 'dnssec policies'.

The configuration supports included files.
example: include /etc/yadifa/conf.d/local.conf

The configuration files can be nested.

The configuration consists of:

Container, which starts with <container name> and ends with </container name>
Variable name
1 or 2 arguments
Arguments can contain 1 or more comma separated values.


General container, contains all the configuration parameters needed to start up yadifad.

default: none

Default server-control access control list. Only the sources matching the ACL are accepted.

default: any

Default notify access control list. Only the servers matching the ACL will be handled.

default: any

Default query access control list. Only the clients matching the ACL will be replied to.

default: none

Default transfer access control list. Only the clients matching the ACL will be allowed to transfer a zone (axfr/ixfr).

default: none

Default update access control list. Only the clients matching the ACL will be allowed to update a zone.

default: none

Default update-forwarding access control list. Only the sources matching the ACL are accepted.

default: true

If this flag is disabled; the server will not reply to badly formatted packets.

default: true

Enables the dns packet compression of each axfr packet.

default: 4096 bytes

The maximum size of an axfr packet. (MIN: 512; MAX: 65535)

default: 0

The maximum number of records in each axfr packet. Older name servers can only handle 1. Set to 0 to disable the limit. (MIN: 0; MAX: 65535)

default: 600

Number of seconds between each retry for the first transfer from the primary name server. (MIN: 60; MAX: 86400)

default: 180

Jitter applied to axfr-retry-delay. (MIN: 60; MAX: axfr-retry-delay)

default: 5

Linear back-off multiplier. The multiplier times the number of failures is added to the xfr-retry-delay. (MIN: 0; MAX: 86400)

default: 3600

Maximum delay added for the back-off. (MIN: 0; MAX: 604800)

default: yes (unless --enable-non-aa-axfr-support was used)

Tells yadifad to be strict with the AA flag in AXFR answers

default: off

Enabling this flag will make the server jail itself in the chroot-path directory.

default: /

The directory used for the jail.

default: 0

Overrides the detected number of logical cpus. Set to 0 for automatic. (MIN: 0; MAX: 256)

default: false

Enabling this flag will make the server detach from the console and work in background.

default: zones

The base path were lies the data (zone file path; journaling data; temporary files; etc.)

default: -

An exclusion list of addresses to never listen to. If set, and ::0 will always be split by interface to isolate the address.

default: 4096

edns0 packets size. (MIN: 512; MAX: 65535)

default: 0 (or root)

The group ID that the server will use.

default: no

As a hidden primary more CPU will be used for various maintenance tasks.

default: the host name

The string returned by a hostname-chaos TXT CH query.

default: zones/keys

The base path of the dnssec keys.


The list of interfaces to listen to.

default: no

If set, disables checking the log-path directory for existence and writing rights.

default: log

The base path where the log files are written.

default: off

Enabling this flag will make the server log unprocessable queries.

default: 16

The maximum number of parallel tcp queries; allowed. (MIN: 1; MAX: 255)

default: multi

Sets the networking model of yadifa.

default: run/yadifad.pid

The pid file name.

default: 1

Query log format. (0: none; 1: yadifa format; 2: BIND format; 3: yadifa and BIND format at once)

default: -

The string returned by a id.server. TXT CH query. If not set; REFUSED is answered.

default: 53

The default dns port. (MIN: 1; MAX: 65535)

default: 30

The number of days for which an automatic signature is valid. (MIN: 7 days; MAX: 30 days)

default: 3600

The signature expiration validity jitter in seconds (1 hour). (MIN: 0 sec; MAX: 86400 sec)

default: automatic

Signatures expiring in less than the indicated amount of hours will be recomputed. The default will be chosen by yadifa. (MIN: 24 hours; MAX: 168 hours)

default: true

The server will log a report line about some internal statistics.

default: 60

The period in seconds between two statistics log lines. (MIN: 1 sec; MAX: 31 * 86400 seconds (31 days))

default: 512 bytes/second

The minimum transfer rate required in a tcp connection (read and write). Slower connections are closed. The units are bytes per second. (MIN: 0; MAX: 4294967295

default: 0

Sets the first CPU to set affinity for. Set it to the real CPU of a core. (MIN: 0; MAX: 3)

default: 0

Sets the multiplier choosing CPU to set affinity for. Allows avoiding hyperthread cores. Set to 0 for automatic avoiding. (MIN: 0; MAX: 4)

default: -1

Number of independent threads used to process each listening address. Set to -1 for automatic. Set to 0 for single threaded. (MIN: -1; MAX: number of CPU's)

default: 0 (or root)

The user ID that the server will use.

default: yadifa version#

The text to include in the version TXT CH query.

default: 5

Timeout for establishing a connection for axfr and ixfr transfers. Set to 0 to disable. (MIN: 0; MAX: 4294967295)

default: zones/xfr

The base path used for axfr and journal storage.

default: 4

Number of independent threads used to download the zones. (MIN: 0; MAX: 255)

default: 1

Number of independent threads used to process loading of the zones. (MIN: 0; MAX: 255)

default: 1

Sets the number of threads used to store a zone on disk (MIN: 1, MAX: 4).

default: 1

Sets the number of threads used to delete a zone from memory (MIN: 1, MAX: 4).

default: 16384

For network-model 1, sets the size of the backlog queue (MIN: 4096, MAX: 1048576).


TSIG keys

default: -

Mandatory. Sets the algorithm of the key.

(the algorithm names are case insensitive)}

default: -

Mandatory. Sets the name of the key.

default: -

Mandatory. Sets the value of the key. BASE64 encoded.


Access lists

Each entry of the acl section defines a rule of access. Each rule is a name (a single user-defined word) followed by a rule in the form of a list of statements. The separator can be "," or ";". The "any" and "none" names are reserved. A statement tells if a source is accepted or rejected. Reject statements are prefixed with "!". Statements are evaluated in the following order: first from more specific to less specific, then from reject to accept. If a statement matches, the evaluation will stop and accordingly accept or reject the source. If no statement matches, then the source is rejected.

A statement can be either:

An IPv4 or an IPv6 address followed (or not) by a mask.
[!]ipv4 |ipv6 [/mask]

For example:

The word `key' followed by the name of a TSIG key.
key key-name

For example:

slaves key public-slave;key hidden-slave
An ACL statement name from the acl section. Note that negation and recursion are forbidden and duly rejected.

For example:

who-can-ask-for-an-ixfr primary;secondaries;


NameServer IDentifier

default: ""

The string can be 512 characters long.

default: ""

Response Rate Limiting directives

default: 5

Allowed response rate.

default: 5

Allowed error rate.

default: 2

Random slip parameter.

default: false

If set to true, logs what it should do without doing it.

default: 24

Mask applied to group the IPv4 clients.

default: 56

Mask applied to group the IPv6 clients.

default: none

Clients matching this rule are not subject to the RRL.

default: false

Enables the RRL

default: 1024

RRL buffer minimum size

default: 16384

RRL buffer maximum size

default: 15

RRL sliding window size in seconds


Description of the domain name in specific attributes.

default: as main

Control commands control list. Only the matching sources are allowed.

default: as main

Notify access control list. Only the servers matching the ACL will be handled.

default: as main

Query access control list. Only the clients matching the ACL will be replied to.

default: as main

Tansfer access control list. Only the clients matching the ACL will be allowed to transfer a zone (axfr/ixfr

default: as main

Update access control list. Only the clients matching the ACL will be allowed to update a zone.

default: as main

Update forwarding control list. Only the matching sources are allowed.

default: off

Type of dnssec used for the zone. As primary name sever; yadifa will try to maintain that state.

default: -

Sets the dnssec-policy id to be used.

default: -

Mandatory. Sets the domain of the zone (i.e.: eurid.eu).

default: off

Enabling this flag will make the server drop the zone before loading the updated zone from disk. Use this on systems constrained for RAM.

default: -

Sets the zone file name. Only mandatory for a primary zone.

default: 0

Puts a soft limit on the size of the journal; expressed in KB. (MIN: 0; MAX: 3698688 (3GB))

default: as main

The base path of the dnssec keys.

default: true

Enabling this flag will cause the server to try and maintain rrsig records

default: -

Mandatory for a secondary. Sets the primary server(s). Multiple primaries are supported.

default: 0

The number of times the primary is unreachable before switching to a different primary (MIN: 0; MAX: 255)

default: false

Enabling this flag will prevent the server from probing or downloading changes from the primary

default: -

The list of servers to notify in the event of a change. Currently only used by primaries when a dynamic update occurs.

default: true

Enabling this flag will cause notify messages to be sent to all name servers in the APEX. Disabling this flags causes the content of APEX to be ignored (ns Records).

default: 5

Number of times yadifa tries to send a notify. (MIN: 0; MAX: 10)

default: 1

Time period in minutes between two notify attempts. (MIN: 1; MAX: 600)

default: 0

Increase of the time period in minutes between two notify attempts. (MIN: 0; MAX: 600)

default: false

If this flag is set the server allows one to edit RRSIG records using dynamic updates.

default: as main

The number of days for which an automatic signature is valid. (MIN: 7 days; MAX: 30 days)

default: as main

The signatures expiring in less than the indicated amount of hours will be recomputed. (MIN: 24 hours; MAX: 168 hours)

default: as main

The signature expiration validity jitter in seconds. (MIN: 0 sec; MAX: 86400 sec)

default: off

Enabling this flag will make the server use axfr when switching to a new primary

type ENUM

default: -

Mandatory. Sets the type of zone : either primary/master or secondary/slave.


Description of the logger outputs.

It contains a list descriptions of user-defined outputs for the logger. Depending on the kind of output, the format is different.

The "name" is arbitrary and is used for identification in the <loggers>.
The "stream-name" defines the output type (ie: a file name, a program output or syslog).
The "arguments" are specific to the output type (ie: unix file access rights or syslog options and facilities).

file output stream channel-name file-name access-rights (octal).
pipe to a program channel-name "| shell command" channel-name "| path-to-program program arguments >> append-redirect"
STDOUT, STDERR output stream channel-name stdout channel-name stderr
syslog channel-name syslog syslog-facility

Description of the logger outputs sources.

Sets the output of a pre-defined logger from yadifad.

The format of the line is: logger-name output-filter comma-separated-channel-names

Filters are:

Additionally, there are:

ALL (or '*') meaning all the filters.
PROD means all but the DEBUG filters.

The defined loggers are:

contains low level messages about the system such as memory allocation, threading, IOs, timers and cryptography, ...

It contains messages about most lower-level operations in the DNS database. ie: journal, updates, zone loading and sanitization, DNS message query resolution, ...)

contains messages about lower-level dnssec operations in the DNS database. ie: status, maintenance, verification, ...

contains messages about operations in the DNS server. ie: start up, shutdown, configuration, transfers, various services status (database management, network management, DNS notification management, dynamic update management, resource rate limiting, ...)

contains messages about the loading of a zone from a source (file parsing, transferred binary zone reading, ...)

contains the statistics of the server.

contains the queries on the server. Queries can be logged with the BIND and/or with the YADIFA format.
BIND format:
client sender-ip#port: query: fqdn class type +SETDC (listen-ip)
YADIFA format:
query [ id ] {+SETDC} fqdn class type (sender-ip#port)
is the query message id
means the message has the Recursion Desired flag set
means the message is signed with a TSIG
means the message is EDNS
means the message was sent using TCP instead of UDP
means the message has the DNSSEC OK flag set
means the message has the Checking Disabled flag set
is the queried FQDN
is the queried class
is the queried type
is the IP of the client that sent the query
is the port of the client that sent the query
is the listen network interface that received the message

Note that on YADIFA any unset flag is replaced by a '-', on BIND only the '+' follows that rule.

System operators will mostly be interested in the info and above messages of queries and stats, as well as the error and above messages of the other loggers.

There are 5 sections:


The dnssec-policy section binds up to four key suites and a denial mode. It is meant to be used as a dnssec-policy parameter in a zone section. Usually two key-suite will be given: one for a KSK and one for a ZSK. The denial mode can be either 'nsec' either the name of a denial section.

id STR

default: -

id of the dnssec-policy section.

default: -

Description for the dnssec-policy section.

default: -

id of the key-suite to be used. Usually both a KSK and a ZSK suites are given.

default: nsec

id of the denial to be used for nsec3 or the argument 'nsec' to use nsec.


The key-suite section is used by dnssec policies and is meant to be referenced by a dnssec-policy section. A key-suite links a key definition (key-template) with a deployment calendar (key-roll).

id STR

default: -

id of the key-suite section.

default: -

id of the key-template to be used.

default: -

id of the key-roll to be used.


The key-roll section is used by dnssec policies and is meant to be referenced by a key-suite section. It's essentially a deployment calendar. Each event is computed relatively to another. Dates are chosen so that there is always a key in an active state. Please look at the examples as a misconfiguration could easily span the life of a key over several years. (e.g.: by too restrictive on the matching conditions) If the RELDATE format is being used, the first valid date matching the line is used. Usage of the RELDATE format is recommended over the RELTIME one.


default: -

id of the key-roll section.

default: -

Time when the key must be generated. Pre-dated before so it's active right now if it's the first one. Always computed so that the next activation happens before the last deactivation.

default: -

Time when the key must be published in the zone. Relative to the generation.

default: -

Time when the key will be used for signing the zone or apex of the zone. Relative to the publication.

default: -

Time when the key will not be used anymore for signing. Relative to the activation.

default: -

Time when the key will be removed out of the zone. Relative to the deactivation.


The key-template section is used by dnssec policies and is meant to be referenced by a key-suite section. It contains the various parameters of a key for its generation.

id STR

default: -

id of the key-template section.

default: false

When this flag is enabled a ksk will be generated. When disabled a zsk will be generated.

default: 7

Sets the algorithm of the key. Supported values are: ’DSA’; 3; ’RSASHA1’; 5; ’NSEC3DSA’; 6; ’NSEC3RSASHA1’; 7; ’RSASHA256’; 8; ’RSASHA512’; 10; ’ECDSAP256SHA256’; 13; ’ECDSAP384SHA384’; 14.

default: 0

The length of the key in bits (incompatible sizes will be rejected). (MIN: 0; MAX: 4096)


The denial section is used by dnssec policies and is meant to be referenced by a dnssec-policy section. It is used to define the NSEC3 denial parameters of a dnssec policy. Policies using a NSEC denial don't need to use this section.

id STR

default: -

id of the denial section.

default: empty

A base16 encoded sequence of bytes used as the salt parameter of the NSEC3 chain.

default: 0

If the salt parameter isn't set, generates a random salt parameter of that length. (MIN: 0; MAX: 255)

default: 1

Iteration parameter of the NSEC3 chain. (MIN: 0; MAX: 65535)

default: false

Enables opt-out coverage in the NSEC3 chain. When this flag is enabled, delegations which do not have a DS record will not be covered by an NSEC3 record.

Examples of containers defined for a configuration file.

Main section example

    # Detach from the console (alias: daemonize)
    daemon                  off
    # Jail the application
    chroot                  off
    # The path of the log files (alias: chroot-path)
    chrootpath              "/chroot/yadifad"
    # The path of the log files (alias: log-path)
    logpath                 "/var/log/yadifa"
    # The location of the pid file (alias: pid-file)
    pidfile                 "/var/run/yadifa/yadifad.pid"
    # The path of the zone files (alias: data-path)
    datapath                "/var/lib/yadifa"
    # The path of the DNSSEC keys (alias: keys-path)
    keyspath                "/var/lib/yadifa/keys"
    # The path of the transfer and journaling files (AXFR & IXFR) (alias: xfr-path)
    xfrpath                 "/var/lib/yadifa/xfr"
    # A string returned by a query of hostname. CH TXT 
    # note: if you leave this out, the real hostname will be given back (alias: hostname-chaos)
    hostname                "server-yadifad"
    # An ID returned by a query to id.server. CH TXT (alias: serverid-chaos)
    serverid                "yadifad-01"
    # The version returned by a query to version.yadifa. CH TXT (alias: version-chaos)
    version                 {3.0.0}
    # Set the maximum UDP packet size.  
    # note: the packetsize cannot be less than 512 or more than 65535.
    #       Typical choice is 4096.
    edns0-max-size          4096
    # The maximum number of parallel TCP queries (max-tcp-connections)
    max-tcp-queries         100
    # The minimum data rate for a TCP query (in bytes per second)
    tcp-query-min-rate      512
    # The user id to use (alias: user)
    uid                     yadifa
    # The group id to use (alias: group)
    gid                     yadifa
    # The DNS port - any DNS query will use that port unless a specific value is used (alias: server-port)
    port                    53
    # The interfaces to listen to.
    listen        ,, port 8053, 2001:db8::2
    # Type of querylog to use
    #   0: none
    #   1: yadifa
    #   2: bind
    #   3: both yadifa and bind
    queries-log-type        1
    # Enable the collection and logging of statistics
    statistics              on
    # Maximum number of seconds between two statistics lines
    statistics-max-period   60
    # Drop queries with erroneous content
    # answer-formerr-packets on
    answer-formerr-packets  off
    # Maximum number of records in an AXFR packet. Set to 1 for compatibility
    # with very old name servers (alias: axfr-max-record-by-packet)
    axfr-maxrecordbypacket  0
    # Global Access Control rules
    # Rules can be defined on network ranges, TSIG signatures, and ACL rules
    # simple queries:
    # allow-query any
    allow-query             !,any
    # dynamic update of a zone
    # allow-update none
    allow-update            admins
    # dynamic update of a secondary (forwarded to the primary)
    # allow-update-forwarding   none
    allow-update-forwarding admins,key abroad-admin-key
    # transfer of a zone (AXFR or IXFR)
    # allow-transfer any
    allow-transfer          transferer
    # notify of a change in the primary
    # allow-notify any
    allow-notify            primary,admins
    # If YADIFA has the controller enabled, allow control only for these
    # clients (none by default)
    allow-control           controller
    # overwrite the amount of CPUs detected by yadifad
    cpu-count-override 3
    # set the number of threads to serve queries
    thread-count-by-address 2
TSIG-key configuration

Admin-key key definition (the name is arbitrary)

    name        abroad-admin-key
    algorithm   hmac-md5
    secret      WorthlessKeyForExample==
primary-secondary key definition (the name is arbitrary)

    name        primary-secondary
    algorithm   hmac-md5
    secret      PrimaryAndSecondaryKey==
Access Control List definitions

primary-secondary key use

    transferer  key primary-secondary
    admins, 2001:db8::74
    localhost, ::1
    controller  key controller # the ACL for the controller MUST use a key

DNS NameServer IDentifier

Example with ascii

    ascii belgium-brussels-01
Example with hex

    hex 00320201
Response Rate Limiting


    # Number of identical responses per second before responses are being limited
    responses-per-second    5
    # Number of errors per second before responses are being limited
    errors-per-second       5
    # Random slip parameter
    slip                    10
    # If enabled, the rate limits are only logged and not enforced
    log-only                off
    # Mask applied to group the IPv4 clients
    ipv4-prefix-length      24
    # Mask applied to group the IPv6 clients
    ipv6-prefix-length      56
    # Rate limits are not subject to the following clients (aka whitelist)
    exempt-clients          none
    # Enable or disable the rate limit capabilities
    enabled                 yes


Primary domain zone config

    # This server is primary for the zone (mandatory)
    type            primary
    # The domain name (mandatory)
    domain          mydomain.eu
    # The zone file, relative to 'datapath'  (mandatory for a primary) (alias: file-name)
    file            primaries/mydomain.eu
    # List of servers also notified of a change (beside the ones in the zone file) (alias: notifies, notify)
    # Set the size of the journal file in KB (alias: journal-size-kb)
    journal-size    8192 
    # Allow dynupdate for these ACL entries
    allow-update    admins
    # Allow AXFR/IXFR for these ACL entries
    allow-transfer  transferer
    # Use DNSSEC policies otherwise remove or put in remark line below
    dnssec-policy   1
Slave domain zone config

    # This server is slave for that zone (mandatory)
    type            slave
    # The domain name (mandatory)
    domain          myotherdomain.eu
    # The address of the primary (mandatory for a secondary, forbidden for a primary) (alias: primary)
    primaries port 4053 key primary-secondary
    # The zone file, relative to 'datapath'.
    file            slaves/myotherdomain.eu
    # Accept notifes from these ACL entries
    allow-notify    primary


DNSSEC-Policy needs some extra sections: key-suite, key-roll, key-template (and denial if NSEC3 is configured)

dnssec-policy example with all the needed sections

example with NSEC3

    id              "1"
    description     "Example of ZSK and KSK"
    denial          "nsec3-with-salt-on"
    key-suite       "zsk-1024"
    key-suite       "ksk-2048"
example with NSEC
    id              "2"
    description     "Example of ZSK and KSK"
    denial          nsec
    key-suite       "zsk-1024"
    key-suite       "ksk-2048"
    id              "ksk-2048"
    key-template    "ksk-2048"
    key-roll        "yearly-schedule"
    id              "zsk-1024"
    key-template    "zsk-1024"
    key-roll        "monthly-schedule"
    id                 "yearly-schedule"
    generate            5          0           15                  6            *                 * # this year   (2018) 15/06 at 00:05
    publish             10         0           15                  6            *                 * #                             00:10
    activate            15         0           16                  6            *                 * #                    16/06 at 00:15
    inactive            15         0           17                  6            *                 * #             (2019) 17/06 at 00:15
    remove              15        11           18                  6            *                 * #             (2019) 18/06 at 11:15
    id                 "monthly-schedule"
    generate            5          0           *                   *            tue               0 # 1 tuesday   of the month at 00:05
    publish             10         0           *                   *            tue               0 #                             00:10
    activate            15         0           *                   *            wed               0 # 1 wednesday of the month at 00:15
    inactive            15         0           *                   *            thu               0 # 1 thursday  of the month at 00:15
    remove              15        11           *                   *            fri               0 # 1 friday    of the month at 11:15
    id              "ksk-2048"
    ksk             true
    algorithm       8
    size            2048
    id              "zsk-1024"
    ksk             false
    algorithm       8
    size            1024
    id              "nsec3-with-salt-on"
    salt            "ABCD"
    algorithm       1
    iterations      5
    optout          off             

    id              "nsec3-with-salt-length-on"
    salt-length     4
    algorithm       1
    iterations      5
    optout          off             


Logging output-channel configurations:

It contains a list of user-defined outputs for the logger.

The "name" is arbitrary and is used for identification in the <loggers>.
The "stream-name" defines the output type (ie: a file name, a program output or syslog).
The "arguments" are specific to the output type (ie: unix file access rights or syslog options and facilities).

Example: YADIFA running as daemon channel definition.

#   name        stream-name     arguments
    database    database.log    0644
    dnssec      dnssec.log      0644
    server      server.log      0644
    statistics  statistics.log  0644
    system      system.log      0644
    queries     queries.log     0644
    zone        zone.log        0644
    all         all.log         0644
    gziplog     "|/usr/bin/gzip \- >> /var/log/yadifa.log.gz"
    syslog      syslog          user
Example: YADIFA running in debug mode.
This example shows the "stderr" and "stdout" which can also be used in the first example, but will output to the console.

#   name        stream-name     arguments
    syslog      syslog          user
    stderr      STDERR
    stdout      STDOUT


Logging input configurations:

The "bundle" is the name of the section of YADIDA being logged, sources are : database, dnssec, queries, server, stats, system, zone.
The "debuglevel" uses the same names as syslog.
Additionally, "*" or "all" means all the levels; "prod" means all but the debug levels.

The "channels" are a comma-separated list of channels.

Example without syslog

#   bundle          debuglevel                          channels
    database        ALL                                 database,all
    dnssec          warning                             dnssec,all
    server          INFO,WARNING,ERR,CRIT,ALERT,EMERG   server,all
    stats           prod                                statistics
    system          *                                   system,all
    queries         *                                   queries
    zone            *                                   zone,all
Example with syslog

#   bundle          debuglevel                          channels
    database        ALL                                 database,syslog
    dnssec          warning                             dnssec,syslog
    server          INFO,WARNING,ERR,CRIT,ALERT,EMERG   server,syslog
    stats           prod                                statistics, syslog
    system          *                                   system,syslog
    queries         *                                   queries,syslog
    zone            *                                   zone,syslog


Since unquoted leading whitespace is generally ignored in the yadifad.conf you can indent everything to taste.

Please check the file README from the sources.

Version: 3.0.0 of 2024-12-11.

There exists a mailinglist for questions relating to any program in the yadifa package:

for submitting questions/answers.
for subscription requests.

If you would like to stay informed about new versions and official patches send a subscription request to via:


(this is a readonly list).

(C)2011-2023", EURid
B-1831 Diegem, Belgium

Gery Van Emelen
Email: Gery.VanEmelen@EURid.eu
Eric Diaz Fernandez
Email: Eric.DiazFernandez@EURid.eu

WWW: http://www.EURid.eu

2024-12-11 YADIFA