yadifa.conf - configuration file for yadifa(8).


The configuration of yadifa has several containers:


Controller module settings

TSIG keys

The configuration supports included files.
example: include /home/yadifa/yadifa-keys.conf

The configuration files can be nested.

The configuration consists of:

Container, which starts with <container name> and ends with </container name>
Variable name
1 or 2 arguments
Arguments can contain 1 or more comma separated values.


    # variable  argument
    variable    value1  
    # variable  argument1       argument2
    variable    value1          value2
    # variable  argument1
    variable    value1,value2

Examples of containers defined for a configuration file.


    server        " port 53"
    tsig-key-name controller
KEY, controller TSIG key definition (the name is arbitrary)

    name        controller
    algorithm   hmac-md5
    secret      WorthlessKeyForExample==

The name server remote client.

default conffile.

default rcfile.

This man page.

Man page for yadifa.

yadifa.rc(5) yadifa(8)

Since unquoted leading whitespace is generally ignored in the yadifa.conf you can indent everything to taste.

Please check the file README from the sources.

Version: 3.0.0 of 2024-12-11

There exists a mailinglist for questions relating to any program in the yadifa package:

for submitting questions/answers.
for subscription requests.

If you would like to stay informed about new versions and official patches send a subscription request to via:


(this is a readonly list).

(C)2011-2024, EURid
B-1831 Diegem, Belgium

Gery Van Emelen
Email: Gery.VanEmelen@EURid.eu
Eric Diaz Fernandez
Email: Eric.DiazFernandez@EURid.eu

WWW: http://www.EURid.eu

2024-12-11 YADIFA