thumbnailer-settings - Configuration settings for
The thumbnailer-service program uses dconf(7) for
its configuration. Configuration values are read once only, on start-up of
the service.
The following settings are used:
- dash-ubuntu-com-key
- The API key for the remote artwork service.
- full-size-cache-size
- The size (in megabytes) of the image cache that stores original artwork.
The default is 50 MB.
- thumbnail-size-cache-size
- The size (in megabytes) of the thumbnail cache that stores scaled
thumbnails. The default is 100 MB.
- thumbnail-size-cache-size
- The size (in megabytes) of the failure cache that stores media keys for
media without an image. The default is 2 MB.
- max-thumbnail-size
- Requests for thumbnails larger than this will automatically reduce the
thumbnail to max-thumbnail-size (in pixels) in the larger
dimension. Requests for thumbnails with size zero are interpreted as
requests for max-thumbnail-size. The default is 1920 pixels.
- retry-not-found-hours
- If artwork cannot be retrieved because the remote server authoritatively
confirmed that no artwork exists for an artist or album, this parameter
defines how long (in hours) the thumbnailer waits before trying to
download the same image again. The default is 168 hours (one week).
- retry-error-hours
- If artwork cannot be retrieved from the remote server due to an unexpected
error (such as the server not responding), the thumbnailer does not
attempt to contact the server again for some period, using exponential
backoff if the failure persists. This parameter defines the maximum wait
time (in hours) before trying to contact the server again. The default is
two hours. (The initial wait time is 2 *
- max-downloads
- Controls the maximum number of concurrent downloads for remote artwork.
The default value is 8.
- max-extractions
- Controls the maximum number of concurrent image extractions from local
video files. The default value is zero, which sets the value according to
the number of CPU cores.
- max-extraction-timeout
- Sets the amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a remote image download
or a thumbnail extraction before giving up. The default is 10
- max-backlog
- Controls the number of DBus requests that will be sent before queueing the
requests internally. The default is 10.
- trace-client
- If true, thumbnail and cancel requests are logged. Log messages are
written to the calling application's log via qdebug(). The default
value is false.
- log-level (int)
- At the default setting (1), cache misses are logged, but no messages are
written for cache hits. At setting 2, cache hits are logged as well. At
setting 0, most messages that are part of normal operation are suppressed.
Errors and other unusual operating conditions are always logged,
regardless of the logging level. The default value is 1. The environment
variable THUMBNAILER_LOG_LEVEL overrides this setting.
thumbnailer-service(1), dconf(7), gsettings(1)