sddm.conf - sddm display manager configuration
Configuration loads all files in the configuration directories
followed by the configuration file in the order listed below with the latter
having highest precedence. Changes should be made to the local
- /usr/lib/sddm/sddm.conf.d
- System configuration directory
- /etc/sddm.conf.d
- Local configuration directory
- /etc/sddm.conf
- Local configuration file for compatibility
This file configures various parameters of the sddm display
manager sddm(1). If this file is not available, default values are
[General] section:
- DisplayServer=
- Select the display server to use for the greeter. Valid values are:
- x11: X server running as root.
- x11-user: X server running as unprivileged user.
- wayland: Wayland compositor as unprivileged user.
Default value is "x11". For x11-user you might
need to configure Xorg.wrap(1).
- HaltCommand=
- Halt command. Default value is "/bin/systemctl poweroff".
- RebootCommand=
- Reboot command. Default value is "/bin/systemctl reboot".
- Numlock=
- Change numlock state when sddm-greeter starts. Valid values are
on, off or none. If property is set to none,
numlock won't be changed. Default value is "none".
- InputMethod=
- Set the Qt input method for the greeter. Tablet users with Qt Virtual
Keyboard installed can set this to "qtvirtualkeyboard" for the
on-screen keyboard. Other known values are "ibus" for the
Intelligent Input Bus, or "compose" for dead keys support. Leave
this empty if unsure.
- Namespaces=
- Comma-separated list of paths bound to Linux namespaces to enter with
setns() before starting the user session. For example, to enter network
namespace mynet created with ip netns add mynet, the value
might be /run/netns/mynet. Default value is empty. (The value is
ignored if the operating system is not Linux.)
[Theme] section:
- ThemeDir=
- Path of the directory containing theme files. Default value is
- Current=
- Name of the current theme. By default this setting is empty, meaning the
embedded theme will be used.
- FacesDir=
- Path of the directory containing face files, face files should be in
username.face.icon format. Default value is
- CursorTheme=
- Name of the cursor theme to be set before starting the display
- CursorSize=
- Cursor size to be set before starting the display server.
- Font=
- Name of the font to be set before starting the display server. Please note
that the theme can still override this option.
- EnableAvatars=
- When enabled, home directories are searched for ".face.icon"
images to display as their avatars. This can be slow on some file systems.
When disabled, all avatars will be default. Themes may choose to hide them
altogether. Default value is true.
[X11] section:
- ServerPath=
- Path of the X server. Default value is "/usr/bin/X".
- ServerArguments=
- Arguments to the X server. Default value is "-nolisten
- XephyrPath=
- Path of the Xephyr. Default value is "/usr/bin/Xephyr".
- SessionDir=
- Comma-separated list of directories containing session files. Default
value is "/usr/local/share/xsessions,/usr/share/xsessions".
- SessionCommand=
- Path of script to execute when starting the user session. This script
receives the value of the "Exec" setting in the
".desktop" file of the selected session and runs it. Default
value is "/etc/sddm/Xsession".
- SessionLogFile=
- Path to the user session log file, relative to the home directory. Default
value is ".local/share/sddm/xorg-session.log".
- DisplayCommand=
- Path of script to execute when starting the display server. The script
will be executed as root when General.DisplayServer is "x11",
otherwise as sddm user. Default value is
- DisplayStopCommand=
- Path of script to execute when stopping the display server. The script
will be executed as root when General.DisplayServer is "x11",
otherwise as sddm user. Default value is
- MinimumVT=
- Minimum virtual terminal number that will be used by the first display.
Virtual terminal number will increase as new displays added. This setting
is no longer available since SDDM v0.20.
- EnableHiDPI=
- Enables Qt's automatic HiDPI scaling. Can be either "true" or
"false". Default value is "true".
The XauthPath= option is no longer necessary, libxau is
used instead.
The UserAuthFile= option was removed, the file is always
created as /tmp/xauth_XXXXX. This is necessary for to the use of
FamilyWild entries.
[Wayland] section:
- CompositorCommand=
- Path of the compositor to execute when starting the greeter. Default value
is "weston --shell=kiosk".
- SessionDir=
- Comma-separated list of directories containing session files. Default
value is
- SessionCommand=
- Path of script to execute when starting the user session. This script
receives the value of the "Exec" setting in the
".desktop" file of the selected session and run it. Default
value is "/etc/sddm/wayland-session".
- SessionLogFile=
- Path to the user session log file, relative to the home directory. Default
value is ".local/share/sddm/wayland-session.log".
- EnableHiDPI=
- Enables Qt's automatic HiDPI scaling. Can be either "true" or
"false". Default value is "true".
[Users] section:
- DefaultPath=
- Default path to set after successfully logging in. This is also where SDDM
looks for programs. Default value is "/bin:/usr/bin".
- MinimumUid=
- Minimum user id of the users to be listed in the user interface. Default
value is 1000.
- MaximumUid=
- Maximum user id of the users to be listed in the user interface. Default
value is 60000
- HideUsers=
- Comma-separated list of Users that shouldn't show up in the user list.
Default value is empty.
- HideShells=
- Comma-separated list of Shells of users that shouldn't show up in the user
list. Default value is empty.
- RememberLastUser=
- If this flag is true, LastUser value will updated on every successful
login, if false last user value won't be updated. Default value is
- RememberLastSession=
- If this flag is true, LastSession value will updated on every successful
login, if false last session value won't be updated. Default value is
[Autologin] section:
- User=
- Name of the user to automatically log in when the system starts first
time. Default value is empty.
- Session=
- Name of the session to automatically log in when the system starts first
time. Default value is empty.
- Relogin=
- If true and User and Session are set automatic login will kick in again on
session exit, otherwise it will work only the first time. Default value is
The full documentation for sddm is available at