RENDERD.CONF(5) File Formats Manual RENDERD.CONF(5)

renderd.conf - Configuration file of rendering daemon for rendering OpenStreetMap tiles.


This manual page documents briefly the renderd.conf configuration file.

renderd.conf is an INI configuration file for use with renderd(1).

The default location is '/etc/renderd.conf' (macro definition 'RENDERD_CONFIG').

All option names are case-insensitive unless otherwise specified.

Options belonging to a [renderd] section.

There must be at least one [renderd] section (e.g. [renderd] or [renderd0]).

By default, there can be up to 5 (macro definition 'MAX_SLAVES') [renderd] sections (e.g. [renderd0] - [renderd4]).

[renderd] section names must begin with [renderd].

Specify the IP address/hostname to be used for communication with renderd. This must be specified in combination with ipport. This option and socketname are mutually exclusive.

Specify the port number to be used for communication with renderd. This must be specified in combination with iphostname. This option and socketname are mutually exclusive.

Specify the number of threads to be used for renderd. The default value is '4' (macro definition 'NUM_THREADS').

Specify the file path into which the PID will be written by renderd. It is only written to when renderd is not running in foreground mode (e.g. without '--foreground' / '-f'). The default value is '/run/renderd/' (macro definition 'RENDERD_PIDFILE').

Specify the file path to be used as a unix domain socket for communication with renderd. This option and iphostname / ipport are mutually exclusive. The default value is '/run/renderd/renderd.sock' (macro definition 'RENDERD_SOCKET').

Specify the file path into which statistics will be written by renderd. By default, a stats file will not be created.

Specify the directory path into which tiles will be written by renderd. The default value is '/var/cache/renderd/tiles' (macro definition 'RENDERD_TILE_DIR').

Options belonging to the [mapnik] section.

There can be only one [mapnik] section.

[mapnik] section name must be equal to [mapnik].

Specify the directory path where fonts are searched for by libmapnik. The default value is the output of 'mapnik-config --fonts' / 'pkgconf --variable=fonts_dir libmapnik' (macro definition 'MAPNIK_FONTS_DIR').

Specify whether or not to recurse the font_dir when searching for fonts by libmapnik. The default value is 'false' / '0' (macro definition 'MAPNIK_FONTS_DIR_RECURSE').

Specify the directory path where input plugins are searched for by libmapnik. The default value is the output of 'mapnik-config --input-plugins' / 'pkgconf --variable=plugins_dir libmapnik' (macro definition 'MAPNIK_PLUGINS_DIR').

Options belonging a [map] section.

There must be at least one [map] section.

[map] section names can neither begin with [renderd] nor be equal to [mapnik].

[map] section names can be anything else, but they must all be unique.

Specify the X aspect to be used by mod_tile. Only used by mod_tile. The default value is '1'. This option name is case-sensitive.

Specify the Y aspect to be used by mod_tile. Only used by mod_tile. The default value is '1'. This option name is case-sensitive.

Specify the data attribution to be provided by mod_tile as TileJSON (via {URI}/tile-layer.json). Only used by mod_tile. The default value is '&copy;<a href=\\\"\\\">OpenStreetMap</a> and <a href=\\\"\\\">contributors</a>, <a href=\\\"\\\">(ODbL)</a>' (macro definition 'DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTION'). This option name is case-sensitive.

Specify the CORS configuration for mod_tile. Only used by mod_tile. This option name is case-sensitive.

Specify the description to be provided by mod_tile as TileJSON (via {URI}/tile-layer.json). Only used by mod_tile. This option name is case-sensitive.

Specify the IP address/hostname of the HTCP Host to be used by renderd for HTCP cache expiry. Only used by renderd.

Specify the IP address/hostname of the Host to be used by renderd for HTCP cache expiry. Only used by renderd.

Specify the maximum zoom level for this section. The default value is '20' (macro definition 'MAX_ZOOM'). This option name is case-sensitive.

Specify the minimum zoom level for this section. The default value is '0'. This option name is case-sensitive.

Specify the parameterization style/function to be used for this section. The value of 'language' seems to be the only one supported. This option name is case-sensitive.

Specify a URL alias of this server to be provided by mod_tile as TileJSON (via {URI}/tile-layer.json). Only used by mod_tile. This option name is case-sensitive.

Specify the scale for this section. Only used by renderd. The default value is '1.0'.

Specify the directory path into which tiles will be written by renderd. The default value is '/var/cache/renderd/tiles' (macro definition 'RENDERD_TILE_DIR'). This option name is case-sensitive.

Specify the tile size for this section. Only used by renderd. The default value is '256'.

Specify the tile configuration (in the format '<extension> <mime-type> <output-format>') for this section (e.g. 'png image/png png256'). This option name is case-sensitive.

Specify the URI prefix with which tiles can be accessed for this section. This option name is case-sensitive.

Specify the file path of the Mapnik configuration XML file for this section. Only used by renderd.


renderd was written by Jon Burgess, and other OpenStreetMap project members.

This manual page was written by OpenStreetMap authors.

2024-03-16 mod_tile v0.7.1