org.bluez.Media - BlueZ D-Bus Media API documentation
Register a local end point to sender, the sender can
register as many end points as it likes.
Note: If the sender disconnects the end points are automatically
possible properties:
- string
- UUID of the profile which the endpoint is for.
UUID must be in the list of SupportedUUIDS.
- byte Codec
- Assigned number of codec that the endpoint implements. The values should
match the profile specification which is indicated by the UUID.
- uint32_t Vendor
- Vendor-specific Company ID, Codec ID tuple that the endpoint implements.
It shall be set to appropriate value when Vendor Specific
Codec (0xff) is used.
- array{byte}
- Capabilities blob, it is used as it is so the size and byte order must
- array{byte}
Metadata [Optional]
- Metadata blob, it is used as it is so the size and byte order must
Possible Errors:
Unregister sender end point.
Register a media player object to sender, the sender can
register as many objects as it likes.
Object must implement at least org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player as
defined in MPRIS 2.2 spec:
Note: If the sender disconnects its objects are automatically
Possible Errors:
Unregister sender media player.
Register endpoints an player objects within root object
which must implement ObjectManager.
The application object path together with the D-Bus system bus
connection ID define the identification of the application.
Possible errors:
This unregisters the services that has been previously
registered. The object path parameter must match the same value that has been
used on registration.
Possible errors:
List of 128-bit UUIDs that represents the supported
Endpoint registration.