org.bluez.GattCharacteristic - BlueZ D-Bus GattCharacteristic API documentation
GATT local/server and remote/client characteristic attribute representation share the same high-level D-Bus API.
Local/Server refers to GATT based characteristics exported by a plugin or an external application.
Remote/Client refers to GATT characteristics exported by the peer.
Possible options:
Possible values:
Possible Errors:
Possible options:
Possible values:
Possible Errors:
For server the MTU returned shall be equal or smaller than the negotiated MTU.
For client it only works with characteristic that has WriteAcquired property which relies on write-without-response Flag.
To release the lock the client shall close the file descriptor, a HUP is generated in case the device is disconnected.
Note: the MTU can only be negotiated once and is symmetric therefore this method may be delayed in order to have the exchange MTU completed, because of that the file descriptor is closed during reconnections as the MTU has to be renegotiated.
Possible options:
Possible values:
Possible Errors:
Usage of StartNotify will be locked causing it to return org.bluez.Error.NotPermitted.
For server the MTU returned shall be equal or smaller than the negotiated MTU.
Only works with characteristic that has NotifyAcquired property which relies on "notify" Flag and no other client have called StartNotify().
Notification are enabled during this procedure so StartNotify() shall not be called, any notification will be dispatched via file descriptor therefore the Value property is not affected during the time where notify has been acquired.
To release the lock the client shall close the file descriptor, a HUP is generated in case the device is disconnected.
Note: the MTU can only be negotiated once and is symmetric therefore this method may be delayed in order to have the exchange MTU completed, because of that the file descriptor is closed during reconnections as the MTU has to be renegotiated.
Possible options:
Possible values:
Possible Errors:
Possible Errors:
Note that notifications from a characteristic are shared between sessions thus calling StopNotify will release a single session.
Possible Errors:
Possible Errors:
For client properties is ommited in case 'write-without-response' flag is not set.
For server the presence of this property indicates that AcquireWrite is supported.
For client this properties is ommited in case 'notify' flag is not set.
For server the presence of this property indicates that AcquireNotify is supported.
The "x-notify" and "x-indicate" flags restrict access to notifications and indications by imposing write restrictions on a characteristic's client characteristic configuration descriptor.
Possible values:
October 2023 | BlueZ |