org.bluez.AdvertisementMonitorManager - BlueZ D-Bus AdvertisementMonitorManager API documentation
Service org.bluez Interface org.bluez.AdvertisementMonitorManager1 [experimental] Object path /org/bluez/{hci0,hci1,...}
The application object path together with the D-Bus ystem bus connection ID define the identification of the application registering advertisement monitors.
Once a root path is registered by a client via this method, the client can freely expose/unexpose advertisement monitors without re-registering the root path again. After use, the client should call UnregisterMonitor() method to invalidate the advertisement monitors.
Possible errors:
Upon unregistration, the advertisement monitor(s) should expect to receive Release() method as the signal that the advertisement monitor(s) has been deactivated.
Possible errors:
Possible values:
Possible values:
October 2023 | BlueZ |