man(5) | npd6.conf man page | man(5) |
npd6.conf - configuration file for neighbor proxy daemon ipv6 npd6
This file contains parameters which affect the manner of npd6's operation. The first section contain a few common parameters - you will need to change these to suit your situation. The second set are less likely to require changing and will typically work fine at their default value. In fact: if you change the second set and get it wrong, npd6 may work badly, intermittently or not at all. Leave them alone unless you have a real reason to change them!
All these parameters can be dauting. Fear not! Probably 95% of the folks who use npd6 have received a 64-bit prefix from their ISP and want to have their box answer neighbor solicitations for the prefix on, maybe, interface eth0. And that's all they want. So read a bit of General Parameters below and set your one prefix and one interface and happily leave everything else alone... It'll work great for you.
prefix = prefix[/mask]
Note that leading zeros are not required, but can be used. So
The prefix does require a terminating colon, e.g.
The /mask value is optional, and often not required. In many cases where npd6 is used, the user will have received a 64-bit prefix from their ISP. Simply add this as the prefix here and you'll be good to go!
If the /mask value is not supplied, but the prefix given is not a 64-bit one, then an implicit mask is used of the prefix's length rounded up to the next 16-bit boundary. e.g.
If a /mask value is used, then it operates in the traditional (although maybe unintuitive to some!) maner of an IP mask. For example:
If you understand masks, then they are there and available. If you do not understand masks, just ignore this.
Finally: a useful shorthand to match any address within a NS on the designated interface is
interface = [interfacename]
It will typically be one of the ethernet interfaces, e.g.
Note that there is no static limit to how many interface/prefix pairs that can be specified. Also not fixed is how multiple pairs are configured: you can choose to list the interfaces first, followed by a list of prefixes. Or alternatively to pair them up in the config file instead. Note however that there must be an equal number of prefixes as interfaces. Every interface must have a prefix defined for it (if only a wildcard)
listtype = [none|black|white]
If black or white is specified then you should also then define at least 1 (and as many more as you require) addrlist and/or exprlist items.
Note also that this config item must be before the addrlist or exprlist items in the config file.
addrlist= <ipv6 address>
Defines the list of addresses to be either white- or black-listed.
exprlist = <expression to match>
This example will (if black listing) refuse any NS that is for PREFIX::100 up to PREFIX::123. It any other PREFIX:: value will match. Or if whitelisting, will only allow value in those ranges.
listlogging = [off|on]
Default: off
List-type precedence
Note that exprlist values take precedence over addrlist values (if both are specified)
Behaviour with no black- or whitelisting
This is the default mode of operation and likely what most people will want. In this mode (the original mode before this feature was introduced) any Neighbor Solicitation received with a target address which matches the prefix will be answered by an appropriate Neighbor Advertisement, irrespective of whether or not that target actually exists and/or is reachable from here.
Behaviour with blacklisting
This mode of operation modifies how npd6 behaves: when a Neighbor Solicitation is received with a prefix which matches that configured, before a Neighbor Advertisement is generated in reply the target is additionally checked against the list of addresses defined. If it matches one of those addresses then the Neighbor Solicitation is silently ignored and no response generated.
Behaviour with whitelisting
This mode of operation modifies how npd6 behaves: when a Neighbor Solicitation is received with a prefix which matches that configured, before a Neighbor Advertisement is generated in reply the target is additionally checked against the list of addresses defined. Only if it matches one of those addresses is a Neighbor Solicitation is generated in response.
collectTargets = amount
This parameter defines a limit to the number of addresses recorded. If the value is zero, then the feature is disabled. This is the default behaviour. The parameter should be set to a suitably large but sane value. The only significant overhead is memory (for storing the addresses) Given the address space of IPv6 and the possibility of receiving very many different target addresses to not provide a ceiling to this feature would potentially open npd6 up to a denial-of-service based upon memory depletion.
In a typical situation, where a network might expect to receive Neighbor Solicitations for several dozen devices, there's likely no harm in setting this to 100 or 1000. Just don't set it at 10,000,000 without thinking first. Memory is only allocated as-required - if you do set a high limit, npd6 does not preallocate the memory, but only use it as and if required.
linkOption = false|true
Default: false
ignoreLocal = false|true
If changed from the default and set to false then such Neighbor Solcitations will be responded to - possibly resulting in duplicated Neighbor Advertisements.
Default: true
routerNA = false|true
Default: true
maxHops = [0-255]
Default: 255
pollErrorLimit = [0-255]
Set to 0 to disable the mechanism completely.
Given the nature of the underlying mechanisms, if an interface goes away and does not come back, this threshold strictly speaking is the minimum number of poll failures we will wait for before permanently failing. However practically speaking, this value represents the minimum period in seconds which we will wait before taking this action. The maximum period is potentially twice this value.
Note that if this value is set higher than 30, the mechanism may not operate as expected! This is implementation dependent. Best left alone, to be honest... 20 is a sensible default value!
Default: 20
No known bugs - Please report them to
Sean Groarke (
03 January 2013 | 1.0.0 |