/etc/kafs/client.conf - kAFS filesystem configuration

Configuration information for the in-kernel kAFS filesystem can be provided in the "/etc/kafs/" directory. This may include the following:

When the "afs.mount" service is started by systemd (1), a configuration service ("kafs-config.service") runs first and loads the configuration into the kernel from the "client.conf" file. This contains directives to include other things, such as the contents of the "client.d/" directory and the generic public cell database.

Once the "afs.mount" service is started (or if an AFS volume is manually mounted), if a mountpoint is triggered, the kernel will upcall by means of "request-key (8)" to look up addresses for the Volume Location servers for the named cell. This will also parse the configuration.

The file format is based on the MIT Kerberos configuration file format. There are a couple of general directives:

This includes the contents of the named file in the parse at this point.
This includes the files in the named directory in the parse at this point. Files that have names beginning with "." or ending with "~" are ignored.

Leading and trailing whitespace on a line is ignored. Any line otherwise beginning with a "#" character is considered a comment and ignored.

Any line that contains a label bounded by square brackets, e.g. "[cells]", by itself on that line denotes a switch to the section specified by that label.

Configuration data is specified within a named section as a series of "key = value" pairs, where a value may be one of nothing, an unquoted string, a quoted string or a braced lists containing further key=value pairs. Whitespace either side of the "=" symbol is ignored.

For example:

      rivendell.example.com = {
        description = "Last Homely Cell"
        use_dns = yes
        servers = {
                elrond.rivendell.example.com = {
                        address =

If two or more consecutive clauses specify values for the same key sequence (so cells:rivendell.example.com:use_dns, for example), then they are merged together to form a single list. If a single value is expected for a configuration item, the last element in the list is taken.

To prevent overriding by subsequent conflicting configuration, an asterisk can be placed after the closing brace in a braced list to indicate that that list is closed, for example:

      rivendell.example.com = {
        description = "Foo"
        use_dns = no

Strings that are interpreted as boolean values are classed as false if they match one of: "0", "f", "false", "n", "no", or "off". Boolean values are classed as true if they match one off: "1", "t", "true", "y", "yes", or "on". Boolean matches are case-independent.

The first section contains general system-level settings shared between all utilities and the kernel. This is denoted by the section label "[defaults]".

The system settings that may be changed are configured in this section with the following key-value pairs:

This sets the name of the local cell. This will be used to configure the @cell path substitution and will also supply the default cellname for aklog-kafs (1).
This specifies a (potentially empty) list of strings which the kernel should attempt to substitute in turn for @sys at the end of a filename until a match is found.

The second section contains a list of preconfigured cells, to be used in preloading the cell list in /afs and also to provide fallback or override address data for locating Volume Location servers. This is denoted by the section label "[cells]".

Within the cell list, each cell is declared with a key=value pair, where the key is the name of the cell and the value is a braced list indicating the details, e.g.:

      rivendell.example.com = {

A cell definition may contain any number of key=value pairs. The keys that are taken note of are:

This is a text description for the cell.
Whether a cell should be shown in /afs.
Whether address look ups for a cell may use the DNS.
The name of the Kerberos realm to use for a cell by default.
A list of servers for the cell, where each element in the list is a key=value pair, where the key is the name of a server and the value is a braced section of the details for that server.

The elements in the list of server details attached to each server can comprise the following keys:

The server is an AFS Volume Location server. This is the default.
The server is an AFS Protection server.
Specify a single address for a server. The "address" is required and can be a single IPv4 or a single IPv6 address, and may be brackets with square brackets (to avoid confusion with the port number, if specified). The "protocol" is optional; currently only "udp" is supported. The "port" is also optional and may be specified to change the UDP port from the default for the server type.

      thiscell = rivendell.example.com
      sysname = fedora28_x86 amd64_linux
      corp.example.com = {
        description = "Valinor Corporation cell"
        use_dns = yes
        servers = {
                manwe.corp.example.com = {
                        address = 2001:db8:123::13
                        address =
                ulmo.corp.example.com = {
                        address = [2001:db8:123::750c:1234]:6666
                        address =
                aule.corp.example.com = {
                        address = udp/[2001:db8:123::abcd:9090]
                        address = udp/
                namo.corp.example.com = {
                        type = ptserver
                        address = 2001:db8:123::8888
                        address =
      rivendell.example.com = {
        description = "Last Homely Cell"
        servers = {
                elrond.rivendell.example.com = {
                        address =
                arwen.rivendell.example.com = {
                        address =

kafs(7), kafs-check-config(8), kafs-preload(8), systemd(1)

Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Written by David Howells (dhowells@redhat.com)

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

2024-07-09 0.5-5