JUST-MRRC(5) File Formats Manual JUST-MRRC(5)

just-mrrc - The format of the configuration used by just-mr(1)

The file is read as JSON. Any other serialization describing the same JSON object is equivalent. We assume, that in JSON objects, each key occurs at most once; it is implementation defined how repetitions of the same key are treated.

A location is a JSON object with the keys "root", "path", and "base".

The value for key "root" is either "workspace", "home", or "system", which have the following meanings:

"workspace" refers to the root of the workspace in which the just-mr invocation was issued (not the workspace of the requested main repository). This location root is ignored if just-mr was not invoked from inside a workspace.
"home" refers to the user’s home directory.
"system" refers to the system root /.

The value for key "path" is the relative path of the item to locate within the location root.

The value for key "base" is a relative path within the location root. This path is only relevant for locations of config files. If such a config file contains relative paths, those will be resolved relative to the specified base. If omitted, the default value "." is used.

The just-mrrc is given by a JSON object.

The value for the key "config lookup order" is a JSON list of location objects, specifying where to look for multi-repository configurations (see just-mr-repository-config(5) for more detail). The lookup is performed in the same order the location objects appear in the list.
The value for the key "absent", if provided, is a JSON list of location objects to search for a file specifying the list of absent repositories.
The value for the key "local build root" is a single location object, specifying the path to use as the local build root. For more details, see just-mr(1).
The value for the key "checkout locations" is a single location object, specifying the path to the file describing checkout locations and additional mirror locations. For more details, see just-mr(1).
The value for the key "distdirs" is a JSON list of location objects, specifying where to look for distribution files (usually collected via the subcommand fetch). The lookup is performed in the same order the location objects appear in the list. For more details, see just-mr(1).
The value for the key "just" is a single location object, specifying the path to the justbuild binary to use for execution, if just-mr is used as a launcher.
The value for the key "git" is a single location object, specifying the path to the git binary to use in the instances when just-mr needs to shell out.
The value for the key "local launcher", if given, is list of strings setting the default for local launcher for just-mr; command-line arguments take precedence over the value in the configuration file. If the key "local launcher" is absent, the default ["env", "--"] is assumed.
The value for the key "log limit", if given, sets the default value for the log limit, that can be overridden by the command-line options.
The value for the key "restrict stderr log limit", if given, sets the default value for the restriction of the log limit on console; this value can be overridden by the command-line option.
The value "log files", if given, has to be a list of location objects, specifying additional log files, on top of those specified on the command line.
The value for the key "remote execution" is a JSON object specifying the remote execution options for just-mr.

For subkey "address" the value is a string specifying the remote execution address in a NAME:PORT format.

For subkey "compatible" the value is a flag which specifies whether the remote endpoint uses the original remote execution protocol.

Each subkey value can be overwritten by its corresponding command-line argument.

The value for the key "remote serve" is a JSON object specifying the remote serve options for just-mr.

For subkey "address" the value is a string specifying the remote serve address in a NAME:PORT format.

Each subkey value can be overwritten by its corresponding command-line argument.

The value for the key "authentication" is a JSON object specifying client-side authentication options for just-mr.

For subkey "ca cert" the value is a single location object specifying the path to a TLS CA certificate. For subkey "client cert" the value is a single location object specifying the path to a TLS client certificate.

For subkey "client key" the value is a single location object specifying the path to a TLS client key.

Each subkey value can be overwritten by its corresponding command-line argument.

The value for the key "remote-execution properties", if provided, has to be a list of strings. Each entry is forwarded as --remote-execution-property to the invocation of the build tool, if just-mr is used as a launcher.
The value for the key "max attempts", if provided, has to be a number. If a remote procedure call (rpc) returns grpc::StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE, that rpc is retried at most this number of times.
The value for the key "initial backoff seconds", if provided, has to be a number. Before retrying an rpc the second time, the client will wait the given amount of seconds plus a jitter, to better distribute the workload.
The value for the key "max backoff seconds", if provided, has to be a number. Normally, on subsequent retries, the backoff time is doubled; this number specifies the maximal time between attempts of an rpc, not counting the jitter.
The value for the key "just files" is a JSON object. The keys correspond to options that some justbuild subcommands accept and require a file as argument. For each key, the value is a list of location objects. When just-mr is used as a launcher and the invoked subcommand is known to support this option, this option is set in the justbuild invocation with the first matching entry, if any. The supported options are "config" and endpoint-configuration.
The value for the key "just args" is a JSON object. Its keys are justbuild subcommands and its value is a JSON list of strings. For the corresponding subcommand, these strings are prefixed to the justbuild argument vector (after all other options provided through the rc file), if just-mr is used as a launcher.
The value for the key "rc files", if given, is a list of location objects. For those location objects that refer to an existing file, this file is read as an additional rc file overlaying the given rc file in the specified order; the value of "rc files" in the overlaying files is ignored.

In this way, an rc file commited to a repository can be allowed to set a sensible configuration, remote-execution and serve end points, etc. This is particularly useful when simultaneously working on several projects with different settings.

An example just-mrrc file could look like the following:

{ "rc files":
  [ {"root": "workspace", "path": "rc.json"}
  , {"root": "workspace", "path": "etc/rc.json"}
, "config lookup order":
  [ {"root": "workspace", "path": "repos.json"}
  , {"root": "workspace", "path": "etc/repos.json"}
  , {"root": "home", "path": ".just-repos.json"}
  , {"root": "system", "path": "etc/just-repos.json"}
, "absent":
  [ {"root": "workspace", "path": "etc/absent.json"}
  , {"root": "home", "path": ".just-absent"}
, "local build root": {"root": "home", "path": ".cache/just"}
, "checkout locations": {"root": "home", "path": ".just-local.json"}
, "local launcher": ["env", "--"]
, "log limit": 5
, "restrict stderr log limit": 4
, "log files": [{"root": "home", "path": ".log/just/latest-invocation"}]
, "distdirs": [{"root": "home", "path": ".distfiles"}]
, "just": {"root": "system", "path": "usr/bin/justbuild"}
, "git": {"root": "system", "path": "usr/bin/git"}
, "remote execution": {"address": ""}
, "remote-execution properties": ["image:development-v1.2.3"]
, "just args":
  { "build": ["-J", "64"]
  , "install": ["-J", "64", "--remember"]
  , "install-cas": ["--remember"]
, "just files":
  { "config":
    [ {"root": "workspace", "path": "etc/config.json"}
    , {"root": "home", "path": ".just-config"}

just-mr(1), just-mr-repository-config(5)