INADYN(5) File Formats Manual (smm) INADYN(5)

inadyn.confinadyn DDNS client configuration file


inadyn is configured using a simple configuration file. The “#” character marks start of a comment to end of line. The \ character can be used as an escape character.

By default inadyn verifies both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, making sure the address is a valid Internet address. Invalid addresses are, e.g., link local, loopback, multicast and known experimental addresses. For more information, see RFC3330.

IP address validation can be disabled by setting this option to false.

When using SIGUSR1, to do a forced update, this option can be used to fake an address update with a “random” address in the range, example address range from RFC5737, before updating with the actual IP address. This is completely outside spec., but can be useful for people who very rarely, if ever, get an IP address change. Because some DDNS service providers will not register even a forced update if the IP is the same. As a result the user could be deregistered as an inactive user.
Inadyn can get an IPv6 address from an interface, or with an external checkip script. This option controls if IPv6 addresses should be allowed or discarded. By default this option is false, i.e. any IPv6 addresses found are discarded.
Use network interface IFNAME as source of IP address changes instead of querying an external server. With this option is enabled, the external IP check is disabled and inadyn will send DDNS updates using the IP address of the IFNAME network interface to DDNS providers listed in the configuration file. This can be useful to register LAN IP addresses, or, when connected directly to a public IP address, to speed up the IP check if the DDNS provider's check-ip servers are slow to respond.

This option can also be given as a command line option to inadyn(8), both serve a purpose, use whichever one works for you.

Set the number of DNS updates. The default is 0, which means infinity.
How often the IP is checked, in seconds. Default: apxrox. 1 minute. Max: 10 days.
How often the IP should be updated even if it is not changed. The time should be given in seconds. Default is equal to 30 days.
If the HTTPS certificate validation fails for a provider inadyn aborts the DDNS update before sending any credentials. When this setting is disabled, i.e. false, then inadyn will only issue a warning. By default this setting is enabled, because security matters.
HTTPS certificates are only valid within specified time windows, so on systems without hardware real-time clock and default bootup time far in the past, false-positive validation fail is expected. When this setting is enabled, i.e. true, then inadyn will only issue a warning that the certificate is not valid yet. By default this setting is disabled, because security matters.
By default inadyn uses the built-in path to the system's trusted CA certificates, both GnuTLS and Open/LibreSSL support this. As a fall-back, in case the API's to load CA certificates from the built-in path fails, inadyn also supports common default paths to Debian and RedHat CA bundles.

This setting overrides the built-in paths and fallback locations and provides a way to specify the path to a trusted set of CA certificates, in PEM format, bundled into one file.

Specify the User-Agent string to send to the DDNS provider on checkip and update requests. Some providers require this field to be set to a specific string, some may be OK with "Mozilla/4.0". The default is to send "inadyn/VERSION SUPPORTURL", where VERSION is the current inadyn version, and SUPPORTURL is the upstream support URL.

This can also be set on a per-provider basis, see below custom and provider section description.

The custom{} and provider{} sections are very similar, except that the custom section allows customizing the DDNS update server details. For more details, see the description for provider{}, below.
The custom{} and provider{} sections are very similar, except that the custom section allows customizing the DDNS update server details. See below list for supported DDNS providers and their email@ddns-service.tld identifiers.

To support multiple users of the same DDNS provider, append [:ID] to the provider name. The ID can be any free form string or number as long as the combination is unique.

Common settings in custom{} and provider{} sections are:

Include settings from another file, supports tilde expansion, e.g. ~/ Any custom{} or provider{} setting can be included, and any amount of include statements may be used.
Use HTTPS, both when checking for IP changes and updating the DNS record. Default is to use HTTPS (true).
The username, if applicable. This might be referred to as hash by some providers.
The password, if applicable.
Same as the global setting, but only for this provider. For more information, see above.
This setting allows overriding the provider's default checkip server. The default keyword resolves to the built-in default,, which affect not only this setting, but also checkip-path and checkip-ssl. Any other value is the server name to query periodically for IP address changes. The optional :port argument defaults to 443, see checkip-ssl for details.

This is an optional setting. For provider{} sections it defaults to a pre-defined checkip-server and checkip-path for the given DDNS provider. For custom() DDNS setups it defaults to the built-in default (abvove).

Optional server path for check IP server, defaults to "/". When the checkip-server is set to default, this setting is ignored.
This setting usually follows the ssl setting, but can be used to disable HTTPS for the IP address check. This might be needed for some providers that only support HTTPS for the DNS record update.

However, when a custom checkip-server is defined for a provider, this setting does follow the ssl setting. Default is to use HTTPS (true).

Shell command, or script, for IP address update checking. The command must output a text with the IP address to its standard output. The following environment variables are set:
contains the DDNS provider's full name in form email@ddns-service.tld
contains user's name


checkip-command = "/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr'"

Inadyn will use the first occurrence in the command's output that looks like an address. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported.

, }
Your hostname alias. To list multiple names, use the second form.
Same as the global setting, but only for this provider. If omitted it defaults to the global setting, which if unset uses the default inadyn user agent string. For more information, see above.
Enable domain name wildcarding of your domain name, for DDNS providers that support this, e.g. and This means that anything typed before your hostname, e.g. www. or ftp., is also updated when your IP changes. Default: disabled. For inadyn < 1.96.3 wildcarding was enabled by default.
Time to live of your domain name. Only works with supported DDNS providers, e.g.
Proxy DNS origin via provider's CDN network. Only works with supported DDNS providers, e.g. Default: false
Either a unique substring matching the provider, or or one of the exact matches to the following unique provider names:

Connect to ⟨⟩, i.e., ⟨⟩
Handled by plugin.
IPv6 ⟨⟩ by Hurricane Electric.
Specific to the custom provider section are the following settings:
DDNS server name, not the full URL.
DDNS server path. By default the hostname is appended to the path, unless append-myip=true is set. Alternatively, printf(3) like format specifiers may be used for a fully customizable HTTP GET update request. The following format specifiers are currently supported:

password, if HTTP basic auth is not used
IP address

With the following example:

username  = myuser
password  = mypass
ddns-path = "/update?user=%u&password=%p&domain=%h&myip=%i"
hostname  = YOURDOMAIN.TLD

the resulting update URL would be expanded to


However, the password is usually never sent in clear text in the HTTP GET URL. Most DDNS providers instead rely on HTTP basic auth., which inadyn always relays to the server in the HTTP header of update requests. inadyn.conf v2.1 and later defaults to HTTPS to protect your credentials, but some providers still do not support HTTPS.

Append your current IP to the the DDNS server update path. By default this setting is false and the hostname is appended. Unless the ddns-path is given with format specifiers, in which case this setting is unused.

Worth noting below is how two different user accounts can use the same DDNS provider,, by using the concept of instances ':N'.

period         = 300

provider {
    username   = account1
    password   = secret1
    hostname   = { "", "" }

# FreeDNS. Remember the username must be in lower case
# and password (max 16 chars) is case sensitive.
provider freedns {
    username   = lower-case-username
    password   = case-sensitive-pwd
    hostname   =

# #1
# With multiple usernames at the same provider, index with :#
provider {
    checkip-server = ""
    checkip-path   = "/checkip.html"
    checkip-ssl    = false
    username       = account21
    password       = secret21
    hostname       =

# #2
provider {
    username   = account22
    password   = secret22
    hostname   =

# Google Domains - notice use of '@' to update root entry
provider {
    hostname =
    username = your_username
    password = your_password
# Wildcard subdomains - notice the quoutes (required!)
provider {
    hostname = "*"
    username = your_username
    password = your_password

# Loopia
provider {
    wildcard   = true
    username   = account3
    password   = secret3
    hostname   =

provider {
    username   = your_username
    password   = your_password
    hostname   =

provider {
    username   = your_username
    password   = your_password
    hostname   =

provider {
    username   = your_username
    password   = your_password
    hostname   =

# update using a custom checkip-command, which works
# if you have access to an Internet-connected interface.  Make
# sure to verify the command works on your system first
allow-ipv6 = true                # required option for IPv6 atm.
provider {
    username   = your_token
    password   = not_used
    hostname = { }  # second host with comma
    checkip-command = "/sbin/ip -6 addr | grep inet6 | awk -F '[ ]+|/' '{print $3}' | grep -v ^::1 | grep -v ^fe80"

# IPv6 account at
provider {
    username   = xyzzy
    password   = update-key-in-advanced-tab
    hostname   = tunnel-id

provider {
    password = your_token
    hostname =

provider {
    username = your_api_key
    password = your_secret_key
    hostname =

provider {
    username = your_api_id
    password = your_api_token
    hostname =

provider {
    username =
    password = api_token # Create a unique custom api token with the following permissions: Zone.Zone - Read, Zone.DNS - Edit.
    hostname =
    ttl = 1 # optional, value of 1 is 'automatic'.
    proxied = false # optional.

provider {
    username = username
    password = password
    hostname =

custom namecheap {
    username    = YOURDOMAIN.TLD
    password    = mypass
    ddns-server =
    ddns-path   = "/update?domain=%u&password=%p&host=%h"
    hostname    = { "@", "www", "test" }

# Generic example, check all details for your provider!
custom example {
    username       = myuser
    password       = mypass
    checkip-server =
    checkip-path   = /
    checkip-ssl    = false
    ddns-server    =
    ddns-path      = "/update?hostname="
    hostname       =

As of Inadyn 1.99.14 the generic plugin can also be used with providers that require the client's IP in the update request, which for example ⟨⟩ requires:

# This emulates
custom {
    username     = DYNUSERNAME
    password     = DYNPASSWORD
    ddns-server  =
    ddns-path    = "/nic/update?"
    append-myip  = true
    hostname     = YOURHOST

Notice the use of append-myip which differs from above previous examples. Without this option set the default (backwards compatible) behavior is to append the hostname.

An alternative, and perhaps more intuitive approach introduced in Inadyn v2.0, is to use the printf(3) like format specifiers mentioned previously. The same example look like this:

# This emulates
custom {
    ssl          = false
    username     = DYNUSERNAME
    password     = DYNPASSWORD
    ddns-server  =
    ddns-path    = "/nic/update?"
    hostname     = YOURHOST


The inadyn home page is ⟨⟩

This manual page was initially written for the system by Shaul Karl ⟨⟩. Currently maintained by Joachim Wiberg ⟨⟩.

February 20, 2020 Debian