ifupdown-ng.conf - Global configuration file for
ifupdown-ng allows to configure some parts of it's behaviour via
global configuration options.
allow_addon_scripts bool
Enable support for /etc/if-X.d addon scripts. These are
used for compatibility with legacy setups, and may be disabled for performance
improvements in setups where only ifupdown-ng executors are used. Valid values
are 0 and 1, the default is 1.
auto_executor_selection bool
Automatically determine which executors to use. At
present, this is done by inserting `use` statements for the namespace a config
option has. The namespace is separated from the config option with a dash
(`-`). Valid values are 0 and 1, the default is 1.
use_hostname_for_dhcp bool
Automatically learn the hostname property, used for DHCP
configuration by querying the system hostname using uname(2). This is
basically equivalent to `hostname $(hostname)` without having to specify any
configuration. Valid values are 0 and 1, the default is
allow_any_iface_as_template bool
Enable any interface to act as a template for another
interface. This is presently the default, but is deprecated. An admin may
choose to disable this setting in order to require inheritance from specified
templates. Valid values are 0 and 1, the default is
implicit_template_conversion bool
In some legacy configs, a template may be declared as an
iface, and ifupdown-ng automatically converts those declarations to a proper
template. If this setting is disabled, inheritance will continue to work
against non-template interfaces without converting them to a template. Valid
values are 0 and 1, the default is 1.
compat_create_interfaces bool
Denotes where or not to create interfaces when compat_*
settings are active and it would be necessary to create an interface to be
fully compliant. This could happen when inheriting bridge VLAN settings to an
interface within a bridges bridge-ports setting but no interface stanza is
found. Valid values are 0 and 1, the default is 1.
compat_ifupdown2_bridge_ports_inherit_vlans bool
In ifupdown2 <bridge-vids> as well as the
<bridge-pvid> set on a bridge interface will be inherited by all member
ports if not set explicitly. When set to 1 ifupdown-ng behaves the same way
and will internally copy both options from the bridge member ports if they are
not set on the member port. Valid values are 0 and 1, the
default is 1.
Maximilian Wilhelm <max@sdn.clinic>