FSVS - Backup HOWTO(5) | fsvs | FSVS - Backup HOWTO(5) |
HOWTO: Backup -
This document is a step-by-step explanation how to do backups using FSVS. This document is a step-by-step explanation how to do backups using FSVS.
If you're going to back up your system, you have to decide what you want to have stored in your backup, and what should be left out.
Depending on your system usage and environment you first have to decide:
The next few moments should be spent thinking about the storage space for the repository - will it be on the system harddisk, a secondary or an external harddisk, or even off-site?
Possibly you'll have to take the available bandwidth into your considerations; a single home directory may be backed up on a 56k modem, but a complete system installation would likely need at least some kind of DSL or LAN.
A fair bit of time should go to a small investigation which file patterns and paths you not want to back-up.
Given $WC as the working directory - the base of the data you'd like backed up (/, /home), and $URL as a valid subversion URL to your (already created) repository path.
Independent of all these details the first steps look like these:
cd $WC fsvs urls $URL
Now you have to say what should be ignored - that'll differ depending on your
fsvs ignore './**~' './**.tmp' './**.bak' fsvs ignore ./proc/ ./sys/ ./tmp/ fsvs ignore ./var/tmp/ ./var/spool/lpd/ fsvs ignore './var/log/*.gz' fsvs ignore ./var/run/ /dev/pts/ fsvs ignore './etc/*.dpkg-dist' './etc/*.dpkg-new' fsvs ignore './etc/*.dpkg-old' './etc/*.dpkg-bak'
Now you may find that you'd like to have some files encrypted in your backup - like /etc/shadow, or your .ssh/id_* files. So you tell fsvs to en/decrypt these files:
fsvs propset fsvs:commit-pipe 'gpg -er {your backup key}' /etc/shadow /etc/gshadow fsvs propset fsvs:update-pipe 'gpg -d' /etc/shadow /etc/gshadow
fsvs commit -m 'First commit.'
That's all there is to it!
The further usage is more or less the commit command from the
last section.
When do you have to do some manual work?
Depending on the circumstances you can take different ways to restore data from your repository.
In case of a real emergency, when your harddisks crashed or your filesystem was eaten and you have to re-partition or re-format, you should get your system working again by
$ cd /mnt $ export FSVS_CONF=/etc/fsvs # if non-standard $ export FSVS_WAA=/var/spool/fsvs # if non-standard $ fsvs checkout -o softroot=/mnt
If somebody asks really nice I'd possibly even create a recovery command that deduces the softroot parameter from the current working directory.
For more information please take a look at Using an alternate root directory.
If you've got any questions, ideas, wishes or other feedback, please tell us in the mailing list users [at] fsvs.tigris.org.
Thank you!
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11 Mar 2010 | Version trunk:2424 |