dlt_gateway.conf - DLT configuration file for gateway

The configuration file dlt_gateway.conf allows to configure the different runtime behaviour of gateway in Multinode feature.

The configuration file is written in an INI file format and contains information about different connected passive nodes.

If Multinode feature is enabled, dlt-daemon loads by default the configuration file /etc/dlt_gateway.conf.

An alternative configuration file can be loaded by changing GatewayConfigFile in dlt.conf(5).

Time interval for reconnection to passive Node in second.

Default: 1

Each passive node’s connection parameters are specified in a unique numbered separate section

([PassiveNode{1,2, ...N}]).

Example: [PassiveNode1]

Because TCP is the only supported communication channel,

the IPaddress and Port of the Passive DLT Daemon has to be specified.

IP Address of passive node. Mandatory

TCP port. Default 3490 is used if no port is specified.

Default: 3490

ECU identifier of passive node. Mandatory.

With the Connect property it is possible to specify when the Gateway DLT Daemon shall connect to the passive node.

Default: OnStartUp

The following values are allowed:

OnStartup   The Gateway DLT Daemon tries to connect to the Passive DLT Daemon
            immediately after the Gateway DLT Daemon is started.
OnDemand    The Gateway DLT Daemon tries to connect to the Passive DLT Daemon
            when it receives a connection request.

Stop connecting to passive node, if not successful after 10 retries.

After of retries, the connection to passive Node is marked as DISABLED.

It means there is no any retry anymore.

Set to 0 for endless retry.

Default: 10

Send following control messages after connection is established. Optional.

Default: disabled

Supported Control messages:

DLT_SERVICE_ID_GET_LOG_INFO                    0x03

Send Serial Header with control messages. Value in dlt.conf(5) is used as default if not specified.

Default: disabled

Send following control messages periodically.

Default: disabled


control:interval[in seconds]

Thanh Bui Nguyen Quoc (thanh.buinguyenquoc (at) vn (dot) bosch (dot) vn)

Copyright (C) 2020 Advanced Driver Information Technology, Bosch and DENSO. License MPL-2.0: Mozilla Public License version 2.0 http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

See Github issue: https://github.com/COVESA/dlt-daemon/issues

dlt.conf(5), dlt-daemon(1)