dlt.conf - DLT daemon configuration file

The DLT daemon is the central application which gathers logs and traces from different applications, stores them temporarily or permanently and transfers them to a DLT client application, which could run directly on the COVESA system or more likely on some external tester device.

The configuration file dlt.conf allows to configure the different runtime behaviour of the dlt-daemon. It is loaded during startup of dlt-daemon.

Start daemon in debug mode, so that all internal debug information is printed out on the console.

Default: Off

If set to 1 DLT daemon is started in background as daemon. This option is only needed in System V init systems. In systemd based startup systems the daemon is started by spawning own process.

Default: 0

If set to 1 DLT daemon sends each DLT message to the client with prepanding the serial header “DLS0x01”.

Default: 0

If set to 1 each context which is registered from an application in the DLT daemon generates a message to inform the DLT client about the new context.

Default: 1

If set to 1 DLt daemon sends each second a DLT control message to the client with the current timestamp from the system.

Default: 0

This value sets the ECU Id, which is sent with each DLT message.

Default: ECU1

This value sets the size of the shared memory, which is used to exchange DLT messages between applications and daemon. This value is defined in bytes. If this value is changed the system must be rebooted to take effect.

Default: 100000

This is the directory path, where the DLT daemon stores its runtime configuration. Runtime configuration includes stored log levels, trace status and changed logging mode.

Default: /tmp

The logging console for internal logging of dlt-daemon. 0 = log to stdout, 1 = log to syslog, 2 = log to file (see LoggingFilename), 3 = log to stderr

Default: 0

The internal log level, up to which logs are written. LOG_EMERG = 0, LOG_ALERT = 1, LOG_CRIT = 2, LOG_ERR = 3, LOG_WARNING = 4, LOG_NOTICE = 5, LOG_INFO = 6, LOG_DEBUG = 7

Default: 6

If LoggingMode is set to 2 logs are written to the file path given here.

Default: /tmp/dlt.log

Only relevant for logging in file (LoggingMode = 2). If EnableLoggingFileLimit is set to 0, the daemon logs to one logging file without any size limit. If EnableLoggingFileLimit is set to 1, the daemon considers the size limits configured by LoggingFileSize and LoggingFileMaxSize. If the limits are configured accordingly, multiple log files are used.

Default: 0

Only considered for logging in file (LoggingMode = 2) and EnableLoggingFileLimit = 1. Maximum size in bytes of one logging file.

Default: 250000

Only considered for logging in file (LoggingMode = 2) and EnableLoggingFileLimit = 1. Maximum size in bytes of all logging files.

Default: 1000000

Socket timeout in seconds for sending to clients.

Default: 4

The minimum size of the Ringbuffer, used for storing temporary DLT messages, until client is connected.

Default: 500000

The max size of the Ringbuffer, used for storing temporary DLT messages, until client is connected.

Default: 10000000

The step size the Ringbuffer is increased, used for storing temporary DLT messages, until client is connected.

Default: 500000

The size of Daemon FIFO (MinSize: depend on pagesize of system, MaxSize: please check /proc/sys/fs/pipe-max-size) This is only supported for Linux.

Default: 65536

Initial log-level that is sent when an application registers. DLT_LOG_OFF = 0, DLT_LOG_FATAL = 1, DLT_LOG_ERROR = 2, DLT_LOG_WARN = 3, DLT_LOG_INFO = 4, DLT_LOG_DEBUG = 5, DLT_LOG_VERBOSE = 6

Default: 4

Initial trace-status that is sent when an application registers. DLT_TRACE_STATUS_OFF = 0, DLT_TRACE_STATUS_ON = 1

Default: 0

Force log level and trace status of contexts to not exceed “ContextLogLevel” and “ContextTraceStatus”. If set to 1 (ON) whenever a context registers or changes the log-level it has to be lower or equal to ContextLogLevel.

Default: 0

If set to 0, the injection mode (see here) is disabled.

Default: 1

Enable Gateway mode

Default: 0

Read gateway configuration from another location

Default: /etc/dlt_gateway.conf

DLT daemon runs with e.g. User: covesa_dlt Group: covesa_dlt

DLT user applications run with different user and group than dlt-daemon but with supplimentory group: dlt_user_apps_group

/dlt FIFO will be created by dlt-daemon with User: covesa_dlt Group: dlt_user_apps_group Permission: 620

so that only dlt-daemon can read and only processes in dlt_user_apps_group can write.

/dltpipes will be created by dlt-daemon with User: covesa_dlt Group: covesa_dlt Permission: 3733 (i.e Sticky bit and SGID turned on)

/dltpipes/dlt FIFO will be created by dlt application (user lib) with User: Group: covesa_dlt (inherited from dltpipes/ due to SGID) Permission: 620

Thus DLT user applications (and also or attackers) can create the dlt FIFO (for communication from dlt-daemon to DLT user application) under /dltpipes/. Since sticky bit is set the applications who creates the FIFO can only rename/delete it.

Since SGID of /dltpipes is set the group of dlt FIFO will be covesa_dlt which enables dlt daemon to have write permission on all the dlt FIFO.

One dlt user application cannot access dlt FIFO created by other dlt user application(if they run with different user).

Owner group of daemon FIFO directory(Default: /tmp/dlt) (If not set, primary group of dlt-daemon process is used). Application should have write permission to this group for tracing into dlt. For this opton to work, dlt-daemon should have this group in it’s supplementary group.

Owner group of daemon FIFO directory (If not set, primary group of dlt-daemon process is used) Application should have write permission to this group for tracing into dlt For this opton to work, dlt-daemon should have this group in it’s Supplementary group

Default: group of dlt-daemon process (/tmp/dlt)

Path to control socket.

Default: /tmp/dlt-ctrl.sock

Store DLT messages to local directory, if not set offline Trace is off.

Default: /tmp

This value defines the max size of a offline trace file, if offline trace is enabled. This value is defined in bytes. If the files size of the current used log file is exceeded, a new log file is created.

Default: 1000000

This value defines the max offline Trace memory size, if offline trace is enabled. This value is defined in bytes. If the overall offline trace size is excedded, the oldest log files are deleted, until a new trace file fits the overall offline trace max size.

Default: 4000000

Filename timestamp based or index based. 1 = timestamp based, 0 = index based

Default: Function is disabled

Prints each received DLT message from the application in ASCII to the local console. This option should only be anabled for debugging purpose.

Default: Function is disabled

Prints each received DLT message from the application in ASCII to the local console. The payload is printed in Hex. This option should only be anabled for debugging purpose.

Default: Function is disabled

Prints each received DLT message from the application in ASCII to the local console. Only the header is printed. This option should only be anabled for debugging purpose.

Default: Function is disabled

If this value is set to a serial device name, e.g. /dev/ttyS0, a serial port is used for logging to a client.

Default: Serial port for logging is disabled

The used serial baud rate, if serial loggin is enabled. The RS232DeviceName must be set to enable serial logging.

Default: 115200

If serial logging is enabled, each received DLT message is checked to contain a serial header. If the DLT message contains no serial header, the message is ignored.

Default: Function is disabled

Each received DLT message on a TCP connection is checked to contain a serial header. If the DLT message contains no serial header, the message is ignored.

Default: Function is disabled

Periodically send ECU version info. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled

Default: Function is disabled

Absolute path to file storing version information - if disabled the DLT version will be send.

Default: Function is disabled.

Periodically send timezone info. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled

Default: Function is disabled

Maximum devices to be used as offline logstorage devices. 0 = disabled, 1 .. DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_DEVICES

Default: 0 (Function is disabled)

Path to store DLT offline log storage messages.

Default: off

Appends timestamp in log file name. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled

Default: 0

Appends delimiter in log file name, only punctuation characters allowed.

Default: _

Wrap around value for log file count in file name.

Default: UINT_MAX

Maximal used memory for log storage cache in KB.

Default: 30000 KB

Enable or disable UDP connection. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled

The address on which daemon multicasts the log messages

The Multicase IP port. Default: 3491

Alexander Wenzel (alexander.aw.wenzel (at) bmw (dot) de)

Copyright (C) 2015 BMW AG. License MPL-2.0: Mozilla Public License version 2.0 http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

See Github issue: https://github.com/COVESA/dlt-daemon/issues

dlt-daemon(1), dlt-system(1)