main.conf - ConnMan configuration file
main.conf is a configuration file for ConnMan. The
configuration file is optional but it can be used to set up various aspects
of ConnMan's behavior. The location of the file may be changed through use
of the --config= argument for connman(8).
The configuration file consists of sections (groups) of key-value
pairs. Lines beginning with a '#' and blank lines are considered comments.
Sections are started by a header line containing the section enclosed in '['
and ']', and ended implicitly by the start of the next section or the end of
the file. Each key-value pair must be contained in a section.
Description of sections and available keys follows:
This section is the only mandatory section of the configuration
- InputRequestTimeout=secs
- Set input request timeout. Default is 120 seconds The request for inputs
like passphrase will timeout after certain amount of time. Use this
setting to increase the value in case of different user interface
- BrowserLaunchTimeout=secs
- Set browser launch timeout. Default is 300 seconds The request for
launching a browser for portal pages will timeout after certain amount of
time. Use this setting to increase the value in case of different user
interface designs.
- BackgroundScanning=true | false
- Enable background scanning. Default is true. If wifi is disconnected, the
background scanning will follow a simple backoff mechanism from 3s up to 5
minutes. Then, it will stay in 5 minutes unless user specifically asks for
scanning through a D-Bus call. If so, the mechanism will start again from
3s. This feature activates also the background scanning while being
connected, which is required for roaming on wifi. When BackgroundScanning
is false, ConnMan will not perform any scan regardless of wifi is
connected or not, unless it is requested by the user through a D-Bus
- UseGatewaysAsTimeservers=true| false
- Assume that service gateways also function as timeservers. Default is
- FallbackTimeservers=server[,...]
- List of Fallback timeservers separated by ",". These timeservers
are used for NTP sync when there are no timeservers set by the user or by
the service, and when UseGatewaysAsTimeservers = false. These can contain
a mixed combination of fully qualified domain names, IPv4 and IPv6
- FallbackNameservers=server[,...]
- List of fallback nameservers separated by "," appended to the
list of nameservers given by the service. The nameserver entries must be
in numeric format, host names are ignored.
- DefaultAutoConnectTechnologies=technology[,...]
- List of technologies that are marked autoconnectable by default, separated
by commas ",". The default value for this entry when empty is
ethernet,wifi,cellular. Services that are automatically connected must
have been set up and saved to storage beforehand.
- DefaultFavoriteTechnologies=technology[,...]
- List of technologies that are marked favorite by default, separated by
commas ",". The default value for this entry when empty is
ethernet. Connects to services from this technology even if not setup and
saved to storage.
- AlwaysConnectedTechnologies=technology[,...]
- List of technoolgies which are always connected regardless of
PreferredTechnologies setting (AutoConnect = true). The default value is
empty and this feature is disabled unless explicitly enabled in the config
- PreferredTechnologies=technology[,...]
- List of preferred technologies from the most preferred one to the least
preferred one separated by commas ",". Services of the listed
technology type will be tried one by one in the order given, until one of
them gets connected or they are all tried. A service of a preferred
technology type in state 'ready' will get the default route when compared
to another preferred type further down the list with state 'ready' or with
a non-preferred type; a service of a preferred technology type in state
'online' will get the default route when compared to either a
non-preferred type or a preferred type further down in the list.
- NetworkInterfaceBlacklist=interface[,...]
- List of blacklisted network interfaces separated by ",". Found
interfaces will be compared to the list and will not be handled by
connman, if their first characters match any of the list entries. Default
value is vmnet,vboxnet,virbr,ifb.
- AllowHostnameUpdates=true | false
- Allow connman to change the system hostname. This can happen for example
if we receive DHCP hostname option. Default value is true.
- AllowDomainnameUpdates=true | false
- Allow connman to change the system domainname. This can happen for example
if we receive DHCP domainname option. Default value is true.
- SingleConnectedTechnology=true | false
- Keep only a single connected technology at any time. When a new service is
connected by the user or a better one is found according to
PreferredTechnologies, the new service is kept connected and all the other
previously connected services are disconnected. With this setting it does
not matter whether the previously connected services are in 'online' or
'ready' states, the newly connected service is the only one that will be
kept connected. A service connected by the user will be used until going
out of network coverage. With this setting enabled applications will
notice more network breaks than normal. Note this options can't be used
with VPNs. Default value is false.
- TetheringTechnologies=technology[,...]
- List of technologies that are allowed to enable tethering separated by
",". The default value is wifi,bluetooth,gadget. Only those
technologies listed here are used for tethering. If one wants to tether
ethernet, then add "ethernet" in the list. NOTE that if ethernet
tethering is enabled, then a DHCP server is started on all ethernet
interfaces. Tethered ethernet should never be connected to corporate or
home network as it will disrupt normal operation of these networks. Due to
this ethernet is not tethered by default. Do not activate ethernet
tethering unless you really know what you are doing.
- PersistentTetheringMode=true | false
- Restore earlier tethering status when returning from offline mode,
re-enabling a technology, and after restarts and reboots. Default value is
- Enable6to4=true | false
- Automatically enable Anycast 6to4 if possible. This is not recommended, as
the use of 6to4 will generally lead to a severe degradation of connection
quality. See RFC6343. Default value is false (as recommended by RFC6343
section 4.1).
- VendorClassID=string
- Set DHCP option 60 (Vendor Class ID) to the given string. This option can
be used by DHCP servers to identify specific clients without having to
rely on MAC address ranges, etc
- EnableOnlineCheck=true | false
- Enable or disable use of HTTP GET as an online status check. When a
service is in a READY state, and is selected as default, ConnMan will
issue an HTTP GET request to verify that end-to-end connectivity is
successful. Only then the service will be transitioned to ONLINE state. If
this setting is false, the default service will remain in READY state.
Default value is true.
NOTE: EnableOnlineCheck is deprecated; please
use OnlineCheckMode with a mode of either one-shot or
- OnlineCheckMode=mode
- This indicates the "online" HTTP-based Internet reachability
check mode and supercedes and deprecates EnableOnlineCheck.
Possible values for mode are none, one-shot, and
continuous. The default value of mode is one-shot.
In none mode, there are no "online"
HTTP-based Internet reachability checks. Any connected service and the
manager state will terminate at the "ready" state and will not
progress to "online".
In one-shot mode, there is a single, one-shot
"online" HTTP-based Internet reachability check for the
default service. When the check succeeds, the associated service and the
manager state will terminate at the "online" state. When the
check fails, subsequent checks will be rescheduled according to
OnlineCheckIntervalStyle, OnlineCheckInitialInterval, and
OnlineCheckMaxInterval and will continue indefinitely until one
succeeds or unti the service is disconnected.
In continuous mode, there are ongoing
"online" HTTP-based Internet reachability check for the
default service. As with "one-shot" mode, when the first check
succeeds, the associated service and the manager state will terminate at
the "online" state. Thereafter, subsequent checks will be
scheduled according to OnlineCheckIntervalStyle and
OnlineCheckMaxInterval. When the check fails, subsequent checks
will be rescheduled according to OnlineCheckIntervalStyle,
OnlineCheckInitialInterval, and OnlineCheckMaxInterval.
When and if OnlineCheckFailuresThreshold is met, the service and
manager state will be demoted to "ready" and the service will
have its "Error" property set to
"online-check-failed" while subsequent checks will continue.
In the interim, if available, another service may be promoted to the
default service and online checks will be initiated for it. When and if,
for the demoted service, OnlineCheckSuccessesThreshold is met,
the service "Error" property will be cleared and the service
state promoted to "online", potentially causing it to become
the default service again.
- OnlineCheckIPv4URL=url,OnlineCheckIPv6URL=url
- Urls (IPv4 and IPv6 respectively) used during the online status check.
Please refer to the README for more detailed information. Default values
are and respectively.
- OnlineCheckConnectTimeout=secs[.milliseconds]
- The time, in decimal seconds (for example, 12.3), to wait for a successful
TCP connection to the host associated with OnlineCheckIPv4URL or
OnlineCheckIPv6URL (see above). Connections that take longer than
OnlineCheckConnectTimeout will be aborted. The default value is
zero ('0') which indicates that no explicit connection timeout will be
used, leaving the timeout to the underlying operating system and network
- OnlineCheckInitialInterval=interval,OnlineCheckMaxInterval=interval
- Range of intervals between two online check requests. Please refer to the
README for more detailed information. Default values are 1 and 12
- OnlineCheckIntervalStyle=fibonacci | geometric
- The style or mathematical series function used to compute the actual time,
in seconds, between two "ready" to "online" HTTP-based
Internet reachability checks. The value of which may be either
"geometric" or "fibonacci" with a default value of
The "geometric" style or function simply takes the
square of the online check interval (see OnlineCheckInitialInterval and
OnlineCheckMaxInterval above). For example, at a check interval of 6,
the time, in seconds, is 36 (6^2) seconds.
The "fibonacci" style or function takes the value of
the Fibonacci sequence at the online check interval. For example, at a
check interval of 6, the time, in seconds, is 8 seconds.
The "fibonacci" series and style is more aggressive
in check rate up to 12 steps (its equivalence point with
"geometric" at 144 seconds) than "geometric" but
backs off far more aggressively past that point reaching an hour at
interval 19 which "geometric" does not reach until interval
- EnableOnlineToReadyTransition=true | false
- In addition to EnableOnlineCheck setting, enable or disable use of HTTP
GET to detect the loss of end-to-end connectivity. If this setting is
false, when the default service transitions to ONLINE state, the HTTP GET
request is no more called until next cycle, initiated by a transition of
the default service to DISCONNECT state. If this setting is true, the HTTP
GET request keeps beeing called to guarantee that end-to-end connectivity
is still successful. If not, the default service will transition to READY
state, enabling another service to become the default one, in replacement.
Default value is false.
NOTE: EnableOnlineToReadyTransition is
deprecated; please use OnlineCheckMode with a mode of either
continuous or none.
- OnlineCheckFailuresThreshold=failures
- When OnlineCheckMode is "continuous", this is the number
of failed back-to-back "ready" to "online" HTTP-based
Internet reachability checks that will be allowed before marking a service
as "failed" from a reachability perspective, sorting it at a
lower priority than other services not so marked.
Lower values may result in higher-frequency network service
cycling while higher values may result in a longer period of time before
failing from a non-Internet reachable service to one that might be.
See OnlineCheckIntervalStyle,
OnlineCheckInitialInterval, and OnlineCheckMaxInterval for
other values that influence network service failure/recovery transition
time. The default value is 6.
- OnlineCheckSuccessesThreshold=successes
- When OnlineCheckMode is "continuous", this is the number
of successful back-to-back "ready" to "online"
HTTP-based Internet reachability checks that must be met before clearing a
service as "failed" from a reachability perspective and allowing
it to transition to the "online" state again, allowing it to
sort back to a higher priority relative to other network services.
Lower values may result in higher-frequency network service
cycling while higher values may result in a longer period of time before
transitioning back to more a preferred, Internet reachable network
See OnlineCheckIntervalStyle,
OnlineCheckInitialInterval, and OnlineCheckMaxInterval for
other values that influence network service failure/recovery transition
The default value is 6.
- AutoConnectRoamingServices=true | false
- Automatically connect roaming services. This is not recommended unless you
know you won't have any billing problem. Default value is false.
- AddressConflictDetection=true | false
- Enable or disable the implementation of IPv4 address conflict detection
according to RFC5227. ConnMan will send probe ARP packets to see if an
IPv4 address is already in use before assigning the address to an
interface. If an address conflict occurs for a statically configured
address, an IPv4LL address will be chosen instead (according to RFC3927).
If an address conflict occurs for an address offered via DHCP, ConnMan
send a DHCP DECLINE once and for the second conflict resort to finding an
IPv4LL address. Default value is false.
- Localtime=string
- Path to localtime file. Defaults to /etc/localtime.
- RegdomFollowsTimezone=true | false
- Enable regdomain to be changed along timezone changes. With this option
set to true each time the timezone changes the first present ISO3166
country code is being read from /usr/share/zoneinfo/ and set
as regdom value. Default value is false.
- ResolvConf=string
- Path to resolv.conf file. If the file does not exist, but intermediate
directories exist, it will be created. If this option is not set, it tries
to write into /run/connman/resolv.conf and fallbacks to /etc/resolv.conf
if it fails (/run/connman does not exist or is not writeable). If you do
not want to update resolv.conf, you can set /dev/null.
The following example configuration disables hostname updates and
enables ethernet tethering.
AllowHostnameUpdates = false
AllowDomainnameUpdates = false
TetheringTechnologies = ethernet,wifi,bluetooth,gadget