ModuleSelCallEnc.conf - Configuration file for the SvxLink server SelCallEnc module

svxlink is a general purpose voice service system for ham radio use. This man-page describe the SvxLink server configuration for the SelCallEnc module.

The SelCallEnc module implements the possibility to send Selective Tone Sequences like CCIR, ZVEI, EEA etc.

There are a couple of configuration variables that are common to all modules. The documentation for these can be found in the svxlink.conf(5) manual page.

The SelCallEnc module does not have any module specific configuration variables.

/etc/svxlink/svxlink.conf (or deprecated /etc/svxlink.conf)
The system wide configuration file.
Per user configuration file.
Global modularized configuration file. Depends on the CFG_DIR configuration variable setting.
Per user modularized configuration file. Depends on the CFG_DIR configuration variable setting.

Martin Burkhardt (DF1AMB) <df1amb at t minuns online dot de>


MAY 2011 Linux