STRMLN - Plots a streamline representation of field flow data, given two 2-dimensional vector component arrays, U and V. You may control certain characteristics of the plot by adjusting the values given to the input arguments. In addition, depending on the value given to the compatibility parameter, CPM, you may set other options by calling STSETI or STSETR to modify internal parameters.

STRMLN is obsolete, and is supported only to provide compatibility with old NCAR Graphics codes. However, the compatibility mode parameter, CPM, offers a number of options to help ease the the transition to the new version of the utility. When writing new code you are encouraged not to use this entry point, since it provides less capability than the standard Streamlines interface, and may eventually be phased out.


#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>

void c_strmln (float *u, float *v, float *work, int imax,
int iptsx, int jptsy, int nset, int *ier)

(REAL 2-dimensional array, dimensioned IMAX x n: n >= JPTSY, input): By default, assumed to contain the first dimensional Cartesian components of the vector field. However, if PLR is non-zero, it is treated as containing the vector magnitudes.
(REAL 2-dimensional array, dimensioned IMAX x n: n >= JPTSY, input): By default, assumed to contain the second dimensional Cartesian components of the vector field. However, if PLR is non-zero, it is treated as containing the vector angles.
(REAL array, dimensioned n: n>= 2*IPTSX*JPTSY, working space): User provided work array used to store the normalized vector component values, and also to keep track of the grid boxes eligible for starting a streamline or placement of a directional arrow.
(INTEGER, input): Actual value of the first dimension of arrays U and V.
(INTEGER, input): Number of contiguous elements along the first dimensional axis containing data to be processed in each of the arrays, U and V.
(INTEGER, input): Number of contiguous elements along the second dimensional axis containing data to be processed in each of the arrays, U and V.
(INTEGER, input) Flag that controls how and when the SET call is invoked. If NSET is 0, STRMLN makes a SET call to establish a standard viewport and window boundaries coincident with the array coordinate boundaries. PERIM is called to draw a border. If NSET is greater than zero, STRMLN does not call SET or PERIM. If NSET is less than zero, STRMLN calls SET to establish window boundaries coincident with the array grid coordinate boundaries but does not modify the viewport or call PERIM. Unlike the STINIT/STREAM interface, when STRMLN does a SET call, it always restores the original coordinate system state before returning.
(INTEGER, output) If no error involving the ICYC common block variable (or, depending on the compatibility mode, the CYK internal parameter) is detected IER contains the value 0 on exit from STRMLN. If, when STRMLN is invoked, ICYC (or CYK) is erroneously set to indicate that the data is cyclic, STRMLN still processes the data using non-cyclic interpolation formulas, but returns the value of -1 in IER.

The C-binding argument descriptions are the same as the FORTRAN argument descriptions, with the following exceptions:

The second dimension of u and v in the calling program
Number of contiguous elements along the second dimensional axis containing data to be processed in each of the arrays, u and v.
Number of contiguous elements along the first dimensional axis containing data to be processed in each of the arrays, u and v.

Beginning with version 3.2 of NCAR Graphics, the STRMLN entry point has been recoded as a front end to the STINIT/STREAM interface to Streamlines. The compatibility mode parameter, CPM, controls the degree to which a call to the Version 3.2 STRMLN emulates the older call. Appropriate settings of CPM can separately answer each of the following three questions regarding the level of emulation:

Given the default value of CPM, all these questions are answered in the affirmative, and a call to STRMLN gives a reasonably faithful emulation of the older version's behavior.

However, even in this case, it is possible to use the parameter setting routines to control the behavior of features that have no counterpart in the older version of STRMLN, as long as the feature is accessible without calling the new interface. For instance, you could control the streamline linewidth by setting the LWD parameter, but on the other hand you could not draw streamlines masked to an area map because doing so requires direct invocation of STREAM with the proper input arguments. The following two tables show how the STRMLN input arguments and STR02/STR03 common block members map into internal parameters currently supported by Streamlines:

Internal Parameter
SET (NSET = 0 is approximately equivalent to SET = 1)

Internal Parameter
ARL (AROWL as fraction of grid box size is converted to ARL as fraction of viewport width)
SSP (CSTOP as fraction of grid box size is converted to SSP as fraction of viewport width)
DFM (DISPL as fraction of grid box size is converted to DFM as fraction of viewport width)
CDS (The critical displacement multiplier CDS is calculated as the ratio of DISPC to DISPL)

See the streamlines_params man page for a description of the internal parameters.

Use the ncargex command to see the following relevant examples: stex02, tstrml.

To use STRMLN or c_strmln, load the NCAR Graphics libraries ncarg, ncarg_gks, and ncarg_c, preferably in that order.

Online: fx, stgetc, stgeti, stgetr, stinit, stream, streamlines, streamlines_params, strset, stsetc, stseti, stsetr, stuixy, stumsl, stumta, stumxy, ncarg_cbind.

Copyright (C) 1987-2009
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.

April 1993 UNIX