stateviews(3U) InterViews Reference Manual stateviews(3U)

BrushVarView, CompNameVarView, FileNameVarView, FontVarView, GravityVarView, MagnifVarView, ModifStatusVarView, NameVarView, PatternVarView - various state variable view subclasses

#include <Unidraw/stateviews.h>

Unidraw predefines several state variable view subclasses for the the state variable subjects it predefines, as described below.

Views of graphics state state variable subjects. BrushVarView displays a short line drawn in the subject's brush and in a color specified by the given ColorVar (black if no ColorVar is supplied). The BrushVarView displays ``None'' if the BrushVar's brush is invisible. Similarly, PatternVarView displays a filled rectangle drawn in the subject's pattern and in a color specified by the given ColorVar (black if no ColorVar is supplied). The PatternVarView displays ``None'' if the PatternVar's pattern is invisible. FontVarView displays the name of its subject's font, aligned as specified in its canvas.
Displays either ``gravity on'' or a blank, depending on whether the subject indicates that gravity is on or not.
Displays ``mag xx'', where x is the current modification factor recorded in the subject.
Displays either an asterisk or a blank, depending on whether the subject records that its component is modified.

Display the subject's string aligned as specified with respect to the canvas. Each constructor takes an optional sample string that defines the view's natural size. FileNameVarView provides a specialized view of a NameVar for displaying file names. It adds a relative argument for displaying the file name either as a relative or full path. CompNameVarView provides similar functionality for CompNameVar subjects, except it precedes its subject's component's name with ``[part of]'' for components that have a named parent but that are not named themselves.

statevars(3U), StateVarView(3U)

6 August 1990 Unidraw