sntrup(3) sntrup(3)

sntrup - C API for the libntruprime implementation of the Streamlined NTRU Prime cryptosystem

Using libntruprime:

#include <ntruprime.h>

Link with -lntruprime.

Key generation (for, e.g., sntrup1277):

unsigned char pk[sntrup1277_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
unsigned char sk[sntrup1277_SECRETKEYBYTES];

Encapsulation (for, e.g., sntrup1277):

unsigned char ct[sntrup1277_CIPHERTEXTBYTES];
unsigned char k[sntrup1277_BYTES];
const unsigned char pk[sntrup1277_PUBLICKEYBYTES];

Decapsulation (for, e.g., sntrup1277):

unsigned char k[sntrup1277_BYTES];
const unsigned char ct[sntrup1277_CIPHERTEXTBYTES];
const unsigned char sk[sntrup1277_SECRETKEYBYTES];

libntruprime is an implementation of the Streamlined NTRU Prime ( cryptosystem. The C API for libntruprime provides the following functions:


All of these functions follow the SUPERCOP API for KEMs ( except that

the function names are libntruprime-specific instead of crypto_kem_*,
message lengths are long long instead of unsigned long long, and
the functions return void instead of int.

The details below use sntrup1277 as an example.

The sntrup1277_keypair function randomly generates Alice’s secret key sk[0], sk[1], ..., sk[sntrup1277_SECRETKEYBYTES-1] and Alice’s corresponding public key pk[0], pk[1], ..., pk[sntrup1277_PUBLICKEYBYTES-1].

The sntrup1277_enc function randomly generates a ciphertext ct[0], ct[1], ..., ct[sntrup1277_CIPHERTEXTBYTES-1] and the corresponding session key k[0], k[1], ..., k[sntrup1277_BYTES-1] given Alice’s public key pk[0], pk[1], ..., pk[sntrup1277_PUBLICKEYBYTES-1].

The sntrup1277_dec function, given Alice’s secret key sk[0], sk[1], ..., sk[sntrup1277_SECRETKEYBYTES-1], computes the session key k[0], k[1], ..., k[sntrup1277_BYTES-1] corresponding to a ciphertext ct[0], ct[1], ..., ct[sntrup1277_CIPHERTEXTBYTES-1] that was encapsulated to Alice.

sntrup(1), randombytes(3)