FBB::SharedStream(3bobcat) | I/O on shared memory | FBB::SharedStream(3bobcat) |
FBB::SharedStream - I/O operations on shared memory
#include <bobcat/sharedstream>
Linking option: -lpthread -lbobcat
This class combines the features of the std::istream and std::ostream classes, operating on shared memory. As with std::fstream objects, a seekp or seekg member call is required to switch from writing to reading or v.v.
As with std::fstream objects, FBB::SharedStream objects do not keep separate offsets for reading and writing: the seek-members always refer to the (single) offset maintained by the FBB::SharedMemory object to which the SharedStream object interfaces.
So, although tellg and tellp return identical values, tellg should not be called after writing to a SharedStream object, and tellp should not be called after reading from a SharedStream object, as calling members related to reading (tellg) after writing and v.v. put the stream in its fail state.
All constructors, members, operators and manipulators, mentioned in this
man-page, are defined in the namespace FBB.
FBB::SharedBuf (private inheritance),
FBB::SharedEnum__ (cf. sharedmemory(3bobcat) for a description
of this base class).
The enum SizeUnit defines the following symbolic constants:
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <ostream> #include <istream> #include <bobcat/exception> #include <bobcat/sharedstream> #include <bobcat/sharedcondition> using namespace std; using namespace FBB; int main() { SharedStream sharedStream; int id = -1; while (true) { cout << "\n" " K kill (no lock) existing shared segment\n" " S show stats of current shared segment\n" " L <id> Load segment <id>\n" " C Install a SharedCondition at offset 0\n" " c create new shared memory (sets id)\n" // " l lock segment id until key pressed\n" // " p <x> c put char c at offset x\n" " q quit\n" // " r <x> <n> read n chars from offset x\n" // " w <x> args write all args at offset x\n" " i insert lines (until empty) at the current " "offset\n" " x extract lines (until EOF) from the current " "offset\n" " X extract the next line from the current " "offset\n" " when nodified via ’N’\n" " N notify a waiting X\n" " s <x> seek (abs) offset x\n" "? "; char ch; cin >> ch; ios::off_type offset; cout << "Requested: " << ch << ’\n’; sharedStream.clear(); switch (ch) { case ’c’: { sharedStream.open(1, SharedStream::kB); id = sharedStream.id(); cout << "id = " << id << ’\n’; sharedStream.memInfo(cout); cout << ’\n’; } break; case ’C’: { sharedStream.seekp(0); SharedCondition cond(sharedStream.createSharedCondition()); sharedStream.seekg(cond.width()); break; } case ’K’: // delete segment { if (id == -1) { cout << "No segment loaded\n"; continue; } cout << "Removing segment id = " << id << ’\n’; if (ch == ’R’) sharedStream.remove(); else sharedStream.kill(); id = -1; } break; case ’L’: cin >> id; cout << "Loading segment " << id << ’\n’; sharedStream.open(id); sharedStream.memInfo(cout); cout << ’\n’; break; case ’S’: if (id == -1) { cout << "No segment loaded\n"; continue; } sharedStream.memInfo(cout); cout << ’\n’; break; case ’s’: { size_t offset; if (id == -1) { cout << "No segment loaded\n"; continue; } cin >> offset; sharedStream.seekg(offset); sharedStream.seekp(offset); cout << "tellg: " << sharedStream.tellg() << ", " "tellp: " << sharedStream.tellp() << ’\n’; } break; case ’i’: { string line; getline(cin, line); sharedStream.seekp(0, ios::cur); while (true) { cout << "? "; if (not getline(cin, line) || line.empty()) break; sharedStream << line << endl; cout << " tellp: " << sharedStream.tellp() << ’\n’; } cout << // " tellg: " << sharedStream.tellg() << ", " " tellp: " << sharedStream.tellp() << ’\n’; } break; case ’x’: { string line; sharedStream.seekg(0, ios::cur); while (true) { cout << ": "; if (not getline(sharedStream, line)) break; cout << line << "\n" " tellg: " << sharedStream.tellg() << ", " " tellp: " << sharedStream.tellp() << ’\n’; } } break; case ’X’: { SharedCondition cond(sharedStream.attachSharedCondition(0)); string line; sharedStream.seekg(cond.width()); cond.lock(); while (true) { cond.wait(); cout << ": "; if (not getline(sharedStream, line)) break; cout << line << "\n" " tellg: " << sharedStream.tellg() << ", " " tellp: " << sharedStream.tellp() << ’\n’; } cout << "All done\n"; cond.unlock(); } break; case ’N’: { string line; getline(cin, line); SharedCondition cond(sharedStream.attachSharedCondition(0)); while (true) { cout << "’enter’ or ’q’? "; getline(cin, line); if (line == "q") break; cond.lock(); cond.notify(); cond.unlock(); } } break; case ’p’: // put a char behind the last written { if (id == -1) { cout << "No segment loaded\n"; continue; } cin >> offset >> ch; if (!cin) throw Exception() << "cmd specification error"; sharedStream.seekp(offset); cout << "Segment id = " << id << " at write offset " << sharedStream.tellp() << ’\n’; sharedStream.put(ch); } break; case ’r’: // put a char behind the last written { if (id == -1) { cout << "No segment loaded\n"; continue; } int n; cin >> offset >> n; if (!cin) throw Exception() << "cmd specification error"; char buf[n]; sharedStream.seekg(offset); cout << "Segment id = " << id << " at offset " << sharedStream.tellg() << ", to read " << n << " bytes\n"; n = sharedStream.read(buf, n).gcount(); if (n < 0) cout << "No data at " << offset << ’\n’; else { cout << "Retrieved " << n << " bytes, containing `"; cout.write(buf, n); cout << "’\n"; for (auto ch: buf) cout << static_cast<int>(ch) << ’ ’; cout << ’\n’; } } break; case ’w’: // write chars at offset { if (id == -1) { cout << "No segment loaded\n"; continue; } string line; cin >> offset; getline(cin, line); if (!cin) throw Exception() << "cmd specification error"; streampos pos = sharedStream.seekp(offset).tellp(); cout << "Segment id = " << id << " at offset " << pos << ", to write " << line.length() << " bytes\n"; sharedStream.write(line.data(), line.length()); if (!sharedStream) cout << "No room left to write any bytes\n"; else cout << "Wrote " << (sharedStream.tellp() - pos) << " bytes\n"; } break; case ’q’: return 0; default: cout << "request not implemented: " << ch << ’\n’; break; } } }
bobcat/sharedstream - defines the class interface
bobcat(7), chmod(1), isharedstream(3bobcat), osharedstream(3bobcat), sharedblock(3bobcat), sharedcondition(3bobcat), sharedmemory(3bobcat) sharedmutex(3bobcat), sharedpos(3bobcat), sharedsegment(3bobcat), sharedbuf(3bobcat)
Note that by default exceptions thrown from within a std::stream object are caught by the stream object, setting its ios::failbit flag. To allow exceptions to leave a stream object, its exceptions member can be called, e.g., using:
myStream.exceptions(ios::failbit | ios::badbit | ios::eofbit);
Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken’s Own Base Classes And Templates’.
This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Frank B. Brokken (f.b.brokken@rug.nl).
2005-2024 | libbobcat-dev_6.06.02 |