selinux_getenforcemode(3) SELinux API documentation selinux_getenforcemode(3)

selinux_getenforcemode - get the enforcing state of SELinux

#include <selinux/selinux.h>

int selinux_getenforcemode(int *enforce);

selinux_getenforcemode() Reads the contents of the /etc/selinux/config file to determine how the system was setup to run SELinux.

Sets the value of enforce to 1 if SELinux should be run in enforcing mode. Sets the value of enforce to 0 if SELinux should be run in permissive mode. Sets the value of enforce to -1 if SELinux should be disabled.

On success, zero is returned. On failure, -1 is returned.


25 May 2004