rulexdb_classify - test specified word whether it represents a lexical base

#include <rulexdb.h>

int rulexdb_classify(RULEXDB *rulexdb, const char *s);

The rulexdb_classify() function tests the word pointed by s argument trying to determine if it can be treated as a lexical base according to the rulex database referenced by rulexdb argument.

The rulexdb_classify() function returns RULEXDB_SUCCESS which is zero when the word represents no lexical base, positive value RULEXDB_SPECIAL when the word can be treated as a lexical base, or negative error code if something is wrong.

Referenced database has not been opened, internal data structures are corrupted or some other general failure has occurred.
Internal memory allocation error.
Invalid parameters are specified.

rulexdb_close(3), rulexdb_dataset_name(3), rulexdb_discard_dictionary(3), rulexdb_discard_ruleset(3), rulexdb_fetch_rule(3), rulexdb_lexbase(3), rulexdb_load_ruleset(3), rulexdb_open(3), rulexdb_remove_item(3), rulexdb_remove_rule(3), rulexdb_remove_this_item(3), rulexdb_retrieve_item(3), rulexdb_search(3), rulexdb_seq(3), rulexdb_subscribe_item(3), rulexdb_subscribe_rule(3)

Igor B. Poretsky <>.

February 21, 2012