rtcInterpolate(3) | Embree Ray Tracing Kernels 4 | rtcInterpolate(3) |
rtcInterpolate - interpolates vertex attributes
#include <embree4/rtcore.h> struct RTCInterpolateArguments { RTCGeometry geometry; unsigned int primID; float u; float v; enum RTCBufferType bufferType; unsigned int bufferSlot; float* P; float* dPdu; float* dPdv; float* ddPdudu; float* ddPdvdv; float* ddPdudv; unsigned int valueCount; }; void rtcInterpolate( const struct RTCInterpolateArguments* args );
The rtcInterpolate function smoothly interpolates per-vertex data over the geometry. This interpolation is supported for triangle meshes, quad meshes, curve geometries, and subdivision geometries. Apart from interpolating the vertex attribute itself, it is also possible to get the first and second order derivatives of that value. This interpolation ignores displacements of subdivision surfaces and always interpolates the underlying base surface.
The rtcInterpolate call gets passed a number of arguments inside a structure of type RTCInterpolateArguments. For some geometry (geometry parameter) this function smoothly interpolates the per-vertex data stored inside the specified geometry buffer (bufferType and bufferSlot parameters) to the u/v location (u and v parameters) of the primitive (primID parameter). The number of floating point values to interpolate and store to the destination arrays can be specified using the valueCount parameter. As interpolation buffer, one can specify vertex buffers (RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_VERTEX) and vertex attribute buffers (RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE) as well.
The rtcInterpolate call stores valueCount number of interpolated floating point values to the memory location pointed to by P. One can avoid storing the interpolated value by setting P to NULL.
The first order derivative of the interpolation by u and v are stored at the dPdu and dPdv memory locations. One can avoid storing first order derivatives by setting both dPdu and dPdv to NULL.
The second order derivatives are stored at the ddPdudu, ddPdvdv, and ddPdudv memory locations. One can avoid storing second order derivatives by setting these three pointers to NULL.
To use rtcInterpolate for a geometry, all changes to that geometry must be properly committed using rtcCommitGeometry.
All input buffers and output arrays must be padded to 16 bytes, as the implementation uses 16-byte SSE instructions to read and write into these buffers.
See tutorial [Interpolation] for an example of using the rtcInterpolate function.
For performance reasons this function does not do any error checks, thus will not set any error flags on failure.