rtcInitRayQueryContext(3) Embree Ray Tracing Kernels 4 rtcInitRayQueryContext(3)

rtcInitRayQueryContext - initializes the ray query context

#include <embree4/rtcore.h>
struct RTCRayQueryContext
    unsigned int instStackSize;
  unsigned int instID[RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT];
void rtcInitRayQueryContext(
  struct RTCRayQueryContext* context

The rtcInitRayQueryContext function initializes the intersection context to default values and should be called to initialize every ray query context.

It is guaranteed that the pointer to the ray query context (RTCRayQueryContext type) is passed to the registered callback functions. This way it is possible to attach arbitrary data to the end of the ray query context, such as a per-ray payload.

Inside the user geometry callback the ray query context can get used to access the instID stack to know which instance the user geometry object resides.

If not ray query context is specified when tracing a ray, a default context is used.

No error code is set by this function.

[rtcIntersect1], [rtcIntersect4/8/16], [rtcOccluded1], [rtcOccluded4/8/16]